On the tricks and treats of the 2012 election season.
1 Right-leaning polling outfit POS finds Heather Wilson leading in Senate race.
Trick. There’s a reason they call it POS.
2 Wilson gets endorsement from guy who bought her company.
Trick. It’s not true love if you have to buy it.
3 Gov. Susana Martinez’ PAC sends out “baby killer” mailers to slam Dems.
Trick. Don’t bring dead babies into this.
4 State Rep. Andy Nuñez (sponsor of the driver’s license bill) is “pissed” that Martinez is supporting his opponent.
Treat. Wait until he sees her “sexy veep” costume.
5 Martinez administration proposes cutting corporate taxes to stimulate job growth.
Treat. For the corporations, anyway.
6 Mitt Romney wanted to delegate FEMA duties to states.
Treat. Hurricane Sandy, your election timing is impeccable.
7 Romney pulls out of presidential race, citing confusion over what he actually believes.
Trick. Yeah, that hasn’t happened...yet.