- SNOW IS DESTROYING THE COUNTRY “But it’s so pretty and I’m snuggled up in a quilt with some tea,” you’re probably thinking. Just stop it.
- DE VARGAS STATUE, REMOVED FOR SAFETY CONCERNS LAST SUMMER, TURNS UP IN BACKYARD OF PRIVATE RESIDENCE This is easily one of the most Santa Fe sentences we’ve ever written.
- SANTA FE OPERA CREATES NEW POSITIONS, STILL PLANNING ON IN-PERSON SEASON So dust off your silver candelabras, folks—it’s tailgating time soon!
- TRUMP ACQUITTED BY SENATE And may the last time we mention him in 7 Days be this: Ohhhh, fuck that.
- FORT MARCY RECREATION COMPLEX REOPENS Do they still have Bust-a-Move, though?
- LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LAB OPENS OFFICE IN SANTA FE Only this time they claim to be keeping fewer secrets.
- SUNDAY, FEB. 21 IS WORLD KOMBUCHA DAY “It’s a healthy drunk,” you can tell people.
7 Days