***image8******image1***City smoking ban passes Public Works without objections.
All the opponents were outside smoking.
Mayor Coss names Eric Johnson as the new chief of police.
Johnson expects to be busy making sure no one smokes.
Gov. Bill Richardson applies for concealed handgun permit.
So next time you see him, be sure to say: "Is that a handgun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
New McDonalds expected to be really "beautiful."
Unless you go in to eat.
Santa Fe Public Schools will consider cutting teachers to save money.
First they should hire some new administrators to figure out which teachers to eliminate.
Former Santa Fe city councilor David Pfeffer will spend 19 days walking the US/Mexico border.
Hopefully no one will mistake him for a Canadian.
Los Alamos kicks off new ad campaign slogan to promote tourism.
"Gas masks included."