Mail letters to Letters, Santa Fe Reporter, PO Box 2306, Santa Fe NM 87504, deliver them to 132 E. Marcy St., fax them to 988-5348 or e-mail them to
Geeeeeeeez Louise-the column "Getting It On" is a waste of ink and space. What is the problem with the Reporter? Do you really think with daily issues of domestic violence, child porn, pedophilia, gangs and general social deterioration, readers need more crap to read? He calls that passion? The column is trash. And the "Pig" is still writing mindless and "tasteless" restaurant reviews. Geez.
Kathleen Lyons
Santa Fe
Thank you for bringing back Tom Tomorrow's "This Modern World."
Andy BurnsS
anta Fe
When I traded my unleaded gasoline-burning truck for a VW with a diesel engine, it was with the intention of switching into a combination of diesel and***image1*** vegetable oil fuels. Starting from the book
From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank
, by Jonathan Tickell, one thing led to the next. Pretty soon there was a simple setup with five-gallon buckets to carry and process the oil in my garage. Last summer the first batches of fuel passed the tests for viscosity and ph. Without getting into the details, let me say that making homemade fuel has been a great experience in paying attention to details. I also bought a few gallons of Biodiesel 20 at the Amigo Mart Station on Cerrillos Road and Baca Street, which is a 20 percent blend of vegetable oil. By adding several gallons of my homebrew, I brought the ratio up to 60 percent. Then Katrina hit and the price of gasoline started to take off [Cover story, Sept. 28: "
"]. Suddenly what makes good environmental sense also makes good economic sense.
Seely Solomon
Santa Fe
Regarding your quick interview with Senator John Grubesic [SFR Talk, Oct. 5: "
"] I thought in the interests of journalistic integrity you might want the enclosed information although it may be too little too late.
Additional information can be accessed at
. It's a shame your reporter and our senator hadn't thought to visit it before their "chat."
Santa Fe
Editor's Note: The "enclosed information" with this letter was regarding AA's stance on anonymity of its members.
In 2004 New Mexico dropped from 46th to 48th place in state rankings of child well-being reflecting a systematic underinvestment in vulnerable and
low-income families. Now policy makers at the state level have joined those in the nation's capitol to assure a future that is even worse.
Enjoying the prospect of huge budget surpluses, New Mexico law makers are considering giving taxpayers a paltry rebate rather than investing in the badly underfunded health and educations systems that could move children, families and our state to a more secure place.
Investing the $100 to $200 million that is to be returned to New Mexicans in $80 to $200 checks in the high impact strategies of our state's Community Action Network which is committed to out-of-poverty and ending poverty agendas would change lives forever.
Looking at Congress' 2006 budget calling for more than $35 billion to be cut from federal spending, much of it coming from programs that are a much-needed lifeline to low- and middle-income Americans, I find myself near despair.
Is it not time for us to demand that policy makers reject budget cuts that deny help to vulnerable children, the elderly and people with disabilities and roll back tax cuts that help the wealthy and connected in favor of the working poor?
Ona Porter, Executive DirectorCommunity Action New Mexico
The Reporter welcomes original, signed letters to the editor. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. They may be edited for clarity and space. Please include address and phone number for verification purposes; these will not be published.