Mail letters to Letters, Santa Fe Reporter, PO Box 2306, Santa Fe NM 87504, deliver them to 132 E. Marcy St., fax them to 988-5348, e-mail them to or use our online form.
I concur with Jennifer Lowe's apt characterization of the Oscar winner for "Best Picture,"
, as "banal idiocy." [Movies, March 1:
] None of the characters are the least bit "real" in the sense of being about actual human beings. They are all based on blatant racial stereotypes with the added ridiculous patina slathered on each and every "bad" person in the film: "But what if he were really good at heart?" Best picture? I think not.
Brokeback Mountain
was robbed.
Marlene Foster
Santa Fe
I'm a hardcore right-wing Republican, a fan of President Bush and the Iraq war, and an advocate for anything the left opposes. Already the liberals reading this are rolling their eyes. I read the Reporter as proof of how stupid and shallow the left is. My favorite is Tom Tomorrow's cartoon, "This Modern World," which further persuades me that being a leftist is just a formula for miserable self-loathing because you are socially worthless and have no way to express it other than clawing at those with genuine decency and intelligence. Cheney/Rumsfeld in 2008!
Silas Jasper
Santa Fe
The recent announcement that the wireless industry is planning to install its latest technology in Chavez County (Bernalillo to Jemez) raises a red flag because these electro-magnetic energies will not be contained by wires as has been the case until recently. They will be bouncing off everyone-inside and out. And though unseen and unfelt, they are nevertheless real and measurable.
Cell phones and their towers emit microwave radiation; so do Wi-fi (wireless Internet) antennas, wireless computers, cordless (portable) phones and their base units. If it's a communication device and not attached to the wall by a wire it's emitting radiation. Some use the same frequency as a microwave oven, while others use a different frequency. The base units of most cordless phones are always radiating, even when no one is talking on them.
Animal experiments show these vibrations cross the protective blood-brain barrier. Hot spots were found at the surface of their skills and deep within the brain. They also cross the protective placental barrier to the developing fetus. Although we are free to not use these devices, we have no choice but to live within this developing toxic soup which wireless antennae and towers produce. Cell towers already number in the hundreds of thousands nationwide. Enough is enough! ¡Ya basta!
Seely Soloman
Santa Fe
All Ms. Matthews [Letters, Feb. 8:
] has to do is look at the overdevelopment of Santa Fe and lack of water to see that very little of this is the fault of environmental groups, but indeed the fault of greed and lack of common sense and stupendous population growth.
We are being robbed of our public lands the same way we have been robbed of tax money to pay for the war and big business instead of schools or social services. The only thing holding back big business from taking yet more public land to make money off of are some-you guessed it-environmental laws and policies.
Ms. Matthews should stop reading and start looking around. It's right in front of her. Why murder the messengers? Are environmental groups perfect? No they are not. But that is all we have between us and the bulldozers of the insatiable. There is not a law the far right would not try to break in order to aggrandize or make money, whether these groups are there or not. If they weren't there we would have yet more polluted ghettos. Is that her utopia? It isn't mine.
SM Stevens
The Reporter welcomes original, signed letters to the editor. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. They may be edited for clarity and space. Please include address and phone number for verification purposes; these will not be published.