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Defending Lynette
I read with great interest Zane Fischer's article on "Tweakon-omics" [Zane's World, May 23]. Although I enjoyed Mr. Fischer's humorous insight into the dark side of city politics, I am compelled to comment on Lynette Montoya, the city's economic development director, as I believe your readers can benefit from a few more facts.
The Santa Fe economic development plan is not rocket science-it is profoundly simple in its goals and focused on small, local business development and related matters such as education and housing.
As such, Ms. Montoya was uniquely qualified and hired for her intelligence, congenial personality, ability to manage, keen business sense, sales ability, work ethic, enthusiasm and love of the city, deep roots in and understanding of the local culture and her ability to work with the state Legislature that can, at times, be generous in assisting the city with its economic development goals.
Although formally educated in both economics and political science at New Mexico State University, Lynette also brings to the job a wealth of knowledge about sales and marketing, as well as a deep understanding of the tourism industry from her years of working as a commercial real estate broker in the buying and selling of convention facilities and hotels nationally.
But now we hear we need a proven "star" in the field of economics to lead the small fledgling Economic Development Department-but at the same time we need to bury this department under Affordable Housing?
I am sure this contradiction is not lost on your readers.
What a sad day for the City of Santa Fe when a bright, capable, educated, personable woman who knows and loves Santa Fe so well-and one directly descended from the founding fathers and mothers of Santa Fe to boot-is viciously deemed "unfit" so that certain councilors can continue to micromanage personnel and departments; and all to the detriment of city government and the people it is supposed to serve.
Asenath Kepler
Santa Fe
Keep It Public
Thank you for the thought-provoking article on the current crisis in our city's Economic Development Department. The Santa Fe Alliance supports the economic development plan, provided by Angelou Economics, and its overall objective "to generate sustainable economic health and prosperity for the citizens of Santa Fe and the surrounding region."
The mission of the Santa Fe Alliance is to build a healthy local economy resulting in better work opportunities for the people of Santa Fe and the surrounding region, while preserving a strong community that nurtures individuals and families.
The 2004 Angelou Economic Plan states: "It is important that City officials adopt a more focused approach to economic development. It starts with City leaders identifying and agreeing to long-term goals."
It is the position and recommendation of the Santa Fe Alliance that the process of re-organization or re-structuring of the Economic Development Department be a public one involving the Business and Quality of Life and Economic Development Review committees, with opportunities for public input so that the citizens of Santa Fe can be satisfied that the long-term goals set out in the city's economic development plan can be accomplished.
Vicki Pozzebon
Executive director
Santa Fe Alliance
Local Repetition
Check, please...I'm reading "Guerilla Radio" [Outtakes, May 23]. New Indie 101.5 owner, Scott Hutton, is quoted as calling "Radio Free" (ironic, isn't it?) KBAC the "crown jewel of Santa Fe." Mr. Hutton says give it time and don't go on rumors and speculation, but if he's looking to Ira Gordon for inspiraton, here's my prediction, New Mexico: If you love constantly being served the Coldplate, if noodley Ring Bologna Accident is your dish, or if the bubbly bowl of Slack Johnson has you begging to your radio, "Might I have some more, please?" you're going to love what the lunch lady slops onto your tray.
But as for me, lose Sam Ferrara and Brian Hardgroove (Fusebox...brilliant!), and replace them with "your community repetition," and you lose and must replace this Indie 101.5 listener.
David Cox
The Reporter welcomes original, signed letters to the editor. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. They may be edited for clarity and space. Please include address and phone number for verification purposes; these will not be published.