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Howard Zinn makes statements in his book A Power Governments Cannot Suppress that are not supported by history or the available facts [Cover story, July 4: "Fight for Freedom"]. He links the Declaration of Independence to the word and political meaning democracy. The authors of both the Declaration and our Constitution never used the word democracy; they knew the dangers of a democracy, that is why they created a republican form of government. Our government is not a democracy at any level. We do not vote on issues or statutes, we elect leaders to do so.
Most people know Saddam was a vicious dictator who murdered and allowed the rape of the Iraqi people. He defied 14 UN resolutions, many passed during Clinton's presidency. The UN warned that military action would happen if he did not comply with those resolutions.
If moral is to be the benchmark, we are a moral people when we stop Saddam's sons from raping teenage girls, murdering moms in front of their children, gassing others as the Kurds were gassed and the other atrocities that were Nazi-like.
Who are the oil cartels? Aren't they the countries like Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Russia, etc., who pump oil and set the wellhead price? Have we benefitted from Iraq's oil? No.
How has our "empire" been expanded? History proves no more so then when we liberated Europe from both the Nazi and communist governments that brutalized Europe's people. We have brought democracy to Iraq with the open ballot, the rise of political parties and partisan bickering: all the hallmarks of a free (democratic) government.
The violence of the homicide bombers is because the radicals of Islam fear democracy, reject women's rights, condemn homosexual acts with imprisonment or death and hate anything or any people who will not bend to Shia law. They hate us because we live free of the oppressive power of their religious leaders. Our dedication to human rights allows men and women to make many choices that may or may not offend "Nature's God." We the people leave it to the individual to settle with God for our conduct in both private and charitable matters. This is as it is when people are free. This is truth. Howard Zinn has not been truthful.
It is indeed quite sad that The Reporter would select Howard Zinn to comment on "Patriotism and the Fourth of July."
Mr. Zinn is an avowed radical leftist who literally hates America and who has never come to terms with the defeat of the USSR in the Cold War.
Where is his vitriol toward the likes of Stalin, Mao, Castro, Kim Jung Il, Mugabe, the brutal leaders of the Sudan, Ahmadinejad, and a host of other dictators who are responsible for the brutal murder of tens of millions of innocent civilians? Yes, tens of millions.
He castigates America for its military prowess, while completely ignoring the fact that America saved Europe three times in the 20th century: The First World War, the Second World War, and the Cold War. If there is any doubt about this, I invite the doubters to visit the military cemeteries in Normandy where our nation's finest are dead forever.
Does America have its problems? You bet. Is Democracy perfect? Absolutely not. But give thanks that the articles and books that Howard Zinn writes may be printed without anyone knocking on the publisher's door in the dark of night.
The Reporter's selection of Howard Zinn to commemorate America's birthday showed a lack of sensitivity and poor judgement.
At least half of the American people favor impeachment of both Bush and Cheney, the latest polls show. Why are Democrats willing to let Bush/Cheney get away with treasonous high crimes? Is it because the Democrats are no different than the Republicans? That there's really only one big Party with two wings?
Other people than me must see the Democrats' sluggishness to prove and prosecute treason as an indication that they're all in the same big bed of corruption. One very disturbing indicator is that Mary Matalin, insider Bushie advisor, worked feverishly to get Scooter Libby off the hook. She, of course, is married to James Carville, very public critic of the Bush administration and close Clinton ally. Is this all a charade on the part of the Ragin' Cajun? This, plus Bill Clinton's public romance with Daddy Bush, indicates to me that the Clintons aren't really about change, but all about being in the Power Club. Is there ANYONE out there who is just for doing the right thing? The right thing for this country? The right thing for the earth? The right thing for all the people who aren't billionaires?
Impeachment isn't harsh enough for this lot. Impeachment followed by acquittal isn't going to do it for us. Impeach. Try. Convict. It's still on the books that treason is punishable by execution and Bush/Cheney are guilty of mass murder on a grand scale.
If our public officials can't be held accountable for their crimes, if Democrats can't show that they believe in the rule of law, one day the people may have to come en masse to Washington with torches and pitchforks.
Regarding the demise of Indie 101.5:
I vehemently oppose the sale of Indie 101.5 to the Hutton Broadcasting group [Outtakes, June 6: "Rebel Music"]. Indie was the best radio station I have ever heard-it was music for non-idiots. The last thing the world needs right now is another crappy classic rock station. (As a friend of mine once correctly characterized it: "Classic Rock: The Imagination Stealer!")
To me, Indie was also about more than the great music; the station's commitment to local businesses got my attention and raised my consciousness about buying local. Thanks to Indie, I now spend my dollars at locally owned shops whenever possible. I think most people here would prefer to support our local economy, but perhaps need to be reminded to do so.
Couple the quashing of intelligent, local, creative radio with the demise of venues for live music in Santa Fe and you have a recipe for a massive efflux of young, local, creative talent.
Santa Fe prides itself on its stature as a major art destination; do we want our art to be 100 percent imported, or do we want it to originate here as well? Any thriving city has its own artists. And any thriving city has creative outlets to nurture and support them. Indie did that.
Leftover fireworks from the city's annual July 4 fireworks display are set off that night, not the following night. An article in last week's SFR [SFR Talk, July 4: "Rocket Man"] stated otherwise..
SFR regrets the error.
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