Mail letters to Letters, Santa Fe Reporter, PO Box 2306, Santa Fe, NM 87504, deliver them to 132 E. Marcy St., fax them to 988-5348 or e-mail them to
Try Harder
After reading last week’s Visual Arts column, I was left with a suspicious feeling that instead of enjoying a fit and chiseled critique, I had watched a bald, overweight cheerleader climb to the top of the pyramid and cheer her heart out.
This is not a request for simply scathing reviews—give credit where credit is due—but chances are the artist, curator or gallery could also use a solid kidney punch of hard-lined honesty among all that fluffy praise. And we, the readers—the art-passionate readers—will get a chance to think about what art is or is not doing in Santa Fe and flex our tiny brains too.
Mr. Fischer, I am asking you to please do a few mental pushups, break a fucking sweat and work that invaluable critic’s muscle of yours again.
Sally Dixon
Santa Fe
Halloween Fun
I am dying to know more: What is Mayor Coss doing dressing up as a zombie for Ursula Coyote to photograph him [“Things to do in Santa Fe When You’re Undead”]? Was this specifically for the Santa Fe Reporter cover or is there a backstory?
I love that we have a mayor with character (to the full extent of every meaning of the word), and I will always cherish the memory of the time Mayor Coss participated in a parlor game of Jeopardy at Vanessie at a benefit for women’s health. When the PowerPoint question came up with the answer “birth control that can be used for more than one year,” the mayor hit his buzzer and made an unexpected answer that had the doctors laughing while they scratched their heads. They had answers ready such as the pill and maybe IUD and sterilization.
But the mayor answered, “What is abstinence?” They had to give him the points.
Val K Jones
Santa Fe
Ed. note: Mayor Coss, Sheriff Solano and the other “zombies” were photographed specifically for SFR’s zombie Halloween cover story.
To Justice
I agree with this article [Oct. 29: “Justice Backlog”]; my daughter was a victim of this type of crime. We felt like giving up many times but did not, due to the fact that Deborah [Potter] and [the 1st Judicial District Attorney’s Office] kept myself and my daughter updated all along the way. I would like to tell others to hang in there; these people will do a great job for you. You just need to have patience. Just to let you know, the outcome of our case was exactly what we wanted, thanks to the hard work of David Foster and Deborah Potter.
Please do not list my name or any other information as the man’s family lives in Santa Fe, and I do not wish to create another problem between our families.
Grateful Parent
Santa Fe
No Partisanship
KOB-TV Channel 4 excluded Independent candidate Carol Miller from its 3rd Congressional District debate Oct. 25, giving the fraudulent impression that only a Democrat and a Republican were seeking this office. In my view, this action is an illegal limitation of the public’s right to be informed of and access all certified candidates. What do FCC-licensed KOB and the two major parties have to say about this misrepresentation?
Until federal election law can assure public access to a wide range of candidates, I urge the New Mexico Legislature to create an open June primary using ranked-choice voting. For each office, all party and non-aligned candidates would be reduced to two for November’s general election. I also urge the Legislature to adopt equitable media rules, campaign spending caps, modest public financing for general election candidates and elimination of all political contributions except those by individual citizens.
I consider political non-alignment a plus for New Mexico representation in Congress. In my view, the policies that best serve New Mexico citizens have nothing to do with party affiliation: reduction and then elimination of nuclear weapons, a truly renewable and sustainable energy grid, a commitment to health care, robust public education, mortgage lending regulation and affordable amortization rates, anti-terror and foreign policy based on self-determination and justice.
Ron simmons
Santa Fe
The Reporter welcomes original, signed letters to the editor. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to speci?c articles in the Reporter. They may be edited for clarity and space. Include address and phone number for veri?cation purposes; these will not be published.