Mail letters to Letters, Santa Fe Reporter, PO Box 2306, Santa Fe, NM 87504, deliver them to 132 E. Marcy St., fax them to 505- 988-5348 or e-mail them to the editor.
Moving on up!
Thanks to Gov. Bill Richardson; he has put New Mexico on the world map as the third most corrupt state in the union. The way we are going, we will probably be No. 1, thanks to his role model politics. Gov. Bill has wasted many millions of our tax dollars promoting his self-serving agenda and his big ego. Give us taxpayers a few more weeks and we will look into impeachment. Thank goodness President Barack Obama did not wish to keep Richardson on his cabinet.
Amado E Gutierrez
Santa Fe
De Facto
Please let me report the facts about the traffic from the Northwest Quadrant into Casa Solana. The figures are from the City of Santa Fe's May 2008 traffic report. Currently there are 4,220 vehicles per day on Camino de Las Crucitas; 8,099 vehicles per day are estimated from the NWQ. This does not count commercial, live work, the school district build-out or cut-through traffic. Six-lane St. Francis, between Alamo Drive and Camino de Las Crucitas, handles 21,880 vehicles per day. Can two-lane Camino de Las Crucitas handle 12,319 or more vehicles per day? We do not think so, no matter what Zane Fischer says. Casa Solana wants the city to make the north end of Camino de Las Crucitas into a cul-de-sac to protect our neighborhood. Call me Zane, so we can dialogue with equal ink/time about the other facts you are disputing.
Nicole de Jurenev
Vice President
La Nueva Casa Solana Neighborhood Association
Santa Fe
I recently read that The Lodge is promoting its new lineup of dance nights for the tragically hip in Santa Fe. I think that's great; offer the kids something to do at night, but my concern is this: What are they (The Lodge) doing to ensure that their female patrons' safety at night is not an issue? I seem to remember last year that two sexual assaults occurred either at or near The Lodge and involved two of its female patrons. Please tell me they've stepped it up as far as their security is concerned. Last I heard, the cowardly bastard is still out there and could strike again. I am a concerned parent of two adult women but still worry for their safety, especially at night.
Margaret Fleenor
Santa Fe
Nationalize it!
I got a fun idea. If the federal government nationalizes predatory banks, which we citizens have had to bail out, do we citizens then own those banks? Do we, as consumers, that is, the prey of these predators, then have the power to establish, under federal law, stringent oversight of their more predatory practices regarding credit card debt? Do we have the power to define what predatory means in practice? Might we even liberate ourselves from those parts of credit card debt that, we judge, plainly resulted from predatory practices?
Robert Covelli
Santa Fe
In case the Reporter isn't running a review of Benchwarmers, I just wanted to recommend this extraordinary bunch of short plays at the Santa Fe Playhouse.The quality of this program of locally written pieces has improved each year, in my opinion, and this year's collection—funny, touching and profound—is a great credit to our vibrant community of writers, actors and directors. I have posted an excerpt of one of the plays (with permission) at the top of
Jim Terr
Santa Fe
The Reporter welcomes original, signed letters to the editor. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to speci?c articles in the Reporter. They may be edited for clarity and space. Include address and phone number for veri?cation purposes; these will not be published.