Mail letters to Letters, Santa Fe Reporter, PO Box 2306, Santa Fe, NM 87504, deliver them to 132 E. Marcy St., fax them to 505-988-5348 or email them to the editor.
Wealth Disparity
I wonder how many of those 40 plus very, very wealthy Santa Feans described in your Sept. 9 issue are aware that there are over 1,000 homeless children registered by Adelante! in their community's public schools or with younger siblings not yet of school age. Santa Fe's children! Or that shelter facilities like St. Elizabeth Shelter and the Interfaith Community Shelter Group are greatly in need of funds to prevent homeless men, women and children from freezing to death this winter. Or that The Food Depot and Food for Santa Fe are fighting hard for funding to maintain their hunger programs…
Erik J Mason
Santa Fe
Money Grows On
(With apologies to Joyce Kilmer's "Trees")
I don't know why it is so rare
To meet a Santa Fe millionaire
When SFR lists forty-some
I think I've met—well, let's see…none!
The Fords and Dubins, Franks and Klines
Must back some projects, but not mine.
The Stetzers, Townsends and Girards
Ain't searching for me all that hard.
The Millers, Marions and Blochs
Will help me save the planet (not).
The Allens, Davises and Shepps
They haven't called me—well, not yet.
We geniuses aren't hard to find
Unless we've dumped the old land line.
When a low-cost film you want to try
Operators are standing by.
Jim Terr
Santa Fe
Silly Clowns
De Vore strikes again! But it is his subject last week, Red Cell and The Process, that actually pisses me off more.
It is frankly absurd to presume that The Process—a living room that can hold maybe 30 people at most—is somehow contributing to Santa Fe's culture—with a population nearing 100,000. But even worse is when Red Cell makes
the assumption that Santa Fe's culture is based off of the exploitation of two indigenous cultures.
I have to wonder what gives Red Cell (an anglo, voluptuous, out-of-towner) the right to make such a claim. Red Cell's ignorant opinion comes across as arrogant and racially disrespectful, and it is shameful for a writer like De Vore—who essentially grew up in this town—to give this bullshit voice a venue for expression.
Maybe if Red Cell ventured beyond the Cerrillos Road/St. Francis Drive intersection or conversed with a sixth generation Santa Fe local or looked at the last names of the politicians and police chiefs and superintendents and local business owners that represent Santa Fe, he could begin to understand just how disgusting his usage of the word 'exploitation' really is.
Santa Fe's culture has developed through generations upon generations of hard work and should never be reduced to such an ugly term as 'exploitation.' Santa Fe's culture is made up of a history that Red Cell has no right degrading because he has no place in it. Culture or history is not affected by a hermit who sits in his/her living room on the northeast side of town acting high 'n' mighty.
I can only hope that Red Cell either fully commits himself to this city's cultural development or just gets the fuck out. It is too bad that he conveniently hides behind his silly anonymous moniker shouting such derogatory bullshit at our city.
And it is too bad that the Reporter hires amateur writers who are willing to interview such silly clowns to begin with.
Vince Kadlubek
Santa Fe
The Reporter welcomes original, signed letters to the editor. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to speci?c articles in the Reporter. They may be edited for clarity and space. Include address and phone number for veri?cation purposes; these will not be published.