Mail letters to Letters, Santa Fe Reporter, PO Box 2306, Santa Fe, NM 87504, deliver them to 132 E. Marcy St., fax them to 505-988-5348 or email them to the editor
Justice Miscarriage
Alas, a "long" article does not make a "comprehensive" article, let alone a good one.
I am the person who has made this issue a story and, very strangely, the only person not interviewed for it.
The factual errors—and misstatements and misrepresentations by the people who are benefiting from the lawsuit—are too numerous to be catalogued.
One of the attorneys has been quoted by a developmental disability service provider as saying, "I put my kids through college on the Jackson lawsuit." Perhaps that is the appropriate metaphor for the outrage this lawsuit has become.
A simple interview would have uncovered a significant fact: that the bill did not really die, but had so much support that it went into HB 2—completely, in its full effect—as a unanimously approved amendment by the Senate Finance Committee.
The true cause, the actual facts of this terrible miscarriage of justice, of this brutal and callous misappropriation—amounting to some $300,000,000 being stolen from the developmentally disabled—are so appalling, so cynical, so devoid of human compassion that they serve to recruit allies and co-sponsors and supporters every day. I received three more calls yesterday, along with two emails and one more phone call this morning from outraged providers and DD families who want this travesty stopped.
These are not people whose hidden agenda it is to make heroes of American Civil Liberties Union members, trial lawyers and people they perceive to be their "ideological allies." These people don't give a hoot about those kinds of agendas or any agenda of the Santa Fe Reporter. They want justice. They want what is right. They want the truth to be known.
State Sen. Rod Adair
It's always fun to read fulminations, and Zane's was surely one of the most fulminacious. However, in the interest of common decency and a certain regard for the facts, it's worth noting that attacks on individuals who are suffering—even if the cause of their suffering seems suspect—[are], to says the least, unkind. While to criticize elected officials for listening to their constituents' questions shows a disregard for the officials' integrity as well as for their responsibilities. And, while it's easy to sneer at GQ as a source of information, there is a quantity of reputable scientific research regarding the health hazards of cell towers that Zane might have looked into, even if it would have dampened some of his fire.
Sallie Bingham
Santa Fe
Newspapers & TV
Zane's recent article on the Wi-Fi issue is a new all-time low for him. It was just plain nasty. Do you need a hug, Zane? If the facts are truly on one's side, it's not necessary to use ridicule. Character-bashing and ridicule are intimidation techniques used by the arrogant.
For the most part, Zane's thinking simply echoes mainstream thinking, which comes mainly from the newspapers and TV. He's shown little interest in any independent study that might lead him outside of mainstream thinking. The very suggestion that there's anything "out there" to study would probably elicit a comment like "conspiracy theorist." Regardless of the subject matter, if you differ from mainstream thinking, you're labeled and ridiculed.
Zane's tone suggests that the science is settled, he's right and everyone else is just crazy. This is proof he hasn't examined the non-industry studies and evidence. We're talking about a $5 trillion industry. He's also overlooking a major psychological aspect. How many people really want to know the truth if that truth may suggest they should change their lifestyles?
The American public has been systematically deceived for at least 80 years now. As Dresden James said, "When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.''
Michael Blanshan
Santa Fe
Industry Control
I guess it is too much to expect accurate reporting from a columnist, but "Media Martyr" makes me wonder if Zane Fischer and I were even at the same meeting. I do agree that Bill Bruno waving his GQ magazine and shouting obscenities was the poster child for bad behavior. But, hey, he publicly apologized. He has the example of many celebrities and elected officials—misbehave and, when it becomes too public, just apologize.
Mr. Fischer states that only 25 people were against the telecommunications ordinance. That is the 25 that attended the meeting and spoke up. What I heard was mostly intelligent, well-educated citizens who had clearly done their homework. Most were concerned that the city was giving up control and neighborhood rights to the industry and not considering possible health effects. He failed to mention that nobody, not one person, spoke in favor of it, except the industry representatives. More and more in the name of profit, industry and corporations are running over our rights and our very health.
It was clear that the City Council did not fully understand the legal issues, and everybody needed to go back and look at individual and neighborhood rights before they gave the industry blanket control. They were wise to table the measure for more study.
Sharon O'Neal Wirtz
Santa Fe
I love and respect the fact that you speak out openly, loudly and freely, and that you have a forum, in "Zane's World" in the Santa Fe Reporter to do so. I myself have similar genetic tendencies. It doesn't matter to me whether or not I agree or disagree with you, the fact that you speak out is a plus.
However, when I speak out, I've done my homework on my topic. You, however, have not when it comes to the issues surrounding Wi-Fi, cell phones and cell towers in your column "Media Martyr." I challenge you to do your homework instead of just using emotionally charged put-downs (as in suggesting certain people may be in need of "psychological therapies").
I personally challenge you to a dialogue about this issue. You have a forum and therefore you have a responsibility to be informed.
As Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin would have said, "Don't trust anyone over 30 who works for the cell phone industry." Second-hand electronic smoke anyone?
Terran Lovewave
Producer of Camp Lovewave
KSFR 101.1 FM
Santa Fe
The Reporter welcomes original, signed letters to the editor. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to speci?c articles in the Reporter. They may be edited for clarity and space. Include address and phone number for veri?cation purposes; these will not be published.