Anson Stevens-Bollen
Arts Valve, Dec. 24: “George RR Martin Talks North Korea”
Just Think
Although I am on a board that fights for the First Amendment and believe in it to my toes, a movie/comedy about assassinating the most mental idiot in our universe who probably has a nuclear bomb pointed at the US 24/7 was an incredibly stupid idea. Like my mom used to say, "Don't poke the skunk." Do you think North Korea respects the First Amendment? Puhleeze.
Kyla Thompson
Cover, Dec. 17: “Which Milk?”
Awesome! We don't need animal milk to survive, especially when the animal abuse is blatantly clear! Not to mention genetically modified corn is fed to cows. Think about why children have food allergies and mutated infections from antibiotic overdose.
Ann Maes
Cover, Dec. 10: “Naughty or Nice”
The Party Line
The Public Service Company of New Mexico's responses are vapid, rehearsed and inane. Thank you, New Energy Economy, for so literally returning power to the people.
Kira Jones
Letters, Dec. 17: “Misplaced Idealism”
Go On...
I agree with Richard Dean Jacob that reality-based energy solutions like wind and solar are messy and inefficient, and that fantasy-based solutions like low energy nuclear reaction (read: cold fusion) are more attractive. However, why stop there? After all, the N in LENR stands for nuclear, and nobody likes that. There are other fantasy-based energy solutions that are even more efficient and clean than LENR, such as perpetual mobile-based technologies, and they have been around a lot longer.
Hubert Van Hecke
Santa Fe
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