Arts Valve, Jan. 21: “Reservation Required”
The Bomb
This type of humor should expand across the country. It is simple and powerful at the same time.
Katherine Guidry
Cool guy. You can find him hanging around a local eatery.
Xaime Verde
via Facebook
Blog, Jan. 21: “Back on the Table: Abortion”
Come On
Or [anti-abortion legislators and advocates] could focus on things that actually work to reduce the demand for abortion. For example, improved sex education and better access to medical care. And reminding the religious nuts that their right to follow their beliefs does not grant them the right to force them on others.
Chuck Duecy III
via Facebook
Priorities, Guys
Get out of my womb. It's none of your business. And none of these busybodies are willing to support those unwanted children. How is this pro-life?
Kim Tate
via Facebook
In the Loop
Thank you, SFR, for making everyone aware that women's rights to safe reproductive health care continue to be threatened. Women of childbearing years need to stand up for their health care needs. It would be extremely threatening to the survival of a woman who needed a late-term abortion and could not get one.
RW Langford
News, Jan. 21: “School Choice”
Jack Sullivan is still working, Maureen Cashmon served in the Air Force as a lieutenant colonel and SFPS District 2 includes some voters whose kids go to Capital High School. The story got these facts wrong.
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