Anson Stevens-Bollen
Cover, March 20: “Access Peak”
Look in the Mirror
I have no faith in the system. This [cost] me and so many other New Mexicans jobs and destroyed families. I hope all involved are proud and can look at themselves in the mirror because they will have to face the man upstairs for their actions.
Darlene Hayes
The story said the behavioral health expert panel recommended against "carving out" mental health services under Medicaid. While the panel expressed minimal support for idea, the final report said the group had not reached consensus. Also the story gave the wrong date that Optum and Public Consulting Group began on-site provider audits. That happend in early 2013.
News, March 20: “Violation of Public Trust”
Sick of It
Now, how about an attorney general investigation of the deal including the Serets, then any probable cause indictments and clawback of the property if [there are] convictions. So sick of this crap.
Tom Blog
via Facebook
Music, Feb. 18: “Nice Jugs”
Love Note
Alex De Vore, you wrote an article in SFR Picks about the Watermelon Mountain Jug Band and our performance at Second Street [Brewery]. From all four of us in the band, I wanted to say thank you! You described us better than anyone else has in a current article. You really captured our essence/variety of performing in your article. Well done!
Barbara Piper, Washboardist
Watermelon Mountain Jug Band
Cover, March 4: “Touching Chaco”
Modern Day Issues
Excellent story telling of this beautiful area of New Mexico and its modern day issues.
Susan Embry
SFR will correct factual errors online and in print. Please let us know if we make a mistake, or 988-7530.
Mail letters to PO Box 2306, Santa Fe, NM 87504, deliver to 132 E Marcy St., or email them to Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.