News, March 18: “Blowing It”
One of the Good Guys
Some government agencies need to be monitored, but today, you just don't know who is the bad guy. There are so many. The good guys are whistleblowers who get punished for doing the right thing. What is wrong with this picture? This country needs to remember, once we lose our beautiful, clean, pristine land with amazing wildlife, we can't get it back, and the only ones who benefit from all of the "projects" are the wealthy powerful a-holes who run everything and do nothing to preserve our planet. It is time to speak up.
Joanne Gura
Cover, March 18: “Access Peak”
Thank you for this ongoing exposé of the corruption of the Martinez administration. Just disgusting.
Louise Miller, MA LPCC NCC
Simplify the System
So these "fraud, waste and abuse" oversight contracts were implemented into the ACA by the corporate whores on both sides of the aisle in Washington DC when they created the language that assured another corporation outscale profits that cost the taxpayers more than the "waste, fraud and abuse" we are told is so offensive. These billings...should be paid, and there should be oversight. The cost of health care in the US is so high because we have to feed the endless appetites of the Optums and insurance companies in addition to the cost of actual services provided.
But it would be better for all of us if we had single payer coverage that set flat fees for services instead of the varying rates that are paid for everything depending on the type of insurance plan of each consumer. It would be much simplified, and with the Optums and insurance rackets out of the business, the taxpayers would save billions.
Barbara Grothuserica
Fox and Chicken
Here is a parable on the management of the NM behavioral health care fraud allegations: A woman owned a chicken coop, and one day a fox broke in and killed some chickens. The woman did nothing to the guard hired to watch over the chicken coop, but she killed all the foxes for 100 miles around, to show how seriously she took the matter. And then she punished the chickens.
William Ulwelling
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