Mike Piscitelli
News, Aug. 30: “Thinkin’ of a Master Plan”
Paid in Full
Subject matter is pretty dry but this is my favorite newspaper headline of all time.
Ian MacMillan
Cover, Aug. 30: “Sam in Santa Fe”
And Kickin’
Incredible article. Congratulations to the author; [this is] some of the best writing I have seen in a long time in a newspaper. Thank you for making him come alive.
Karl Hardy
Thank You Sir
I think this is the best piece I have read in the Reporter in the last 10 years. Both the text and the letters are sensitive and filled with the feeling of what Santa Fe used to be like. And to a degree of what it is like today. I have watched it change over the last 28 years. My compliments.
Jay Rosenbaum
Santa Fe
News, Sept. 6: “High and Dry”
Armageddon Comin’
The only problem that I see with this fiasco is that no political subdivision from the Martinez or Richardson administrations has held the current cabinet secretary accountable for the loss of [New Mexico Task Force 1] from our community. ... While the country is going in chaos with one disaster after another, here in NM, we are sitting ducks awaiting for ours to happen, and guess what? We are on our own on this one. ... We are a nuclear industry at three corners of the state ... with all that radioactive material being transported from one location to another. Yet, can we trust them (i.e., NM Homeland Security Department, DOE, etc.) to protect the general public from a possible threat of a weapons of mass destruction scenario and/or give us a positive outcome in terms of a positive safeguard system in place? I don't think so.
Jose L Villegas Sr.
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