Courtesy SFPD
News, November 14: “Here Comes the Nug”
Fringe Benefits
The New Mexico Acequia Association is investigating the change over from water-hogging crops to those more drought-resistant and valuable. Say from alfalfa to hemp for example. Hemp also has some soil building properties. This would be particularly useful in our many eroded areas.
William H Mee
Letters, November 7: “What’s the Rush?”
Pick Your Own Speed
Dear excellent "old guy" driver, I am not the one that passed you on Governor Miles Road across double yellow lines. Whoever did that, should not have. I have safely driven 42 years and don't speed through city streets. What I said was that cops should be able to drive on the open interstate at 90 in the left lane. Likewise, alert and sober drivers with clear visibility should be able to as well. For a modern six-speed sedan, this is nothing. If you practice lane courtesy, as we all should, you are a great driver. If you pay attention, you are a great driver. If you drive a speed that is safe for you, you are a great driver. Highway speeds are political. A few decades ago, 55 mph was the law.
Warren Peary
Santa Fe
Cover, November 14: “All Hands On Rez”
Give Generously
Great article, very informative. This is where our Thanksgiving donation will go this year. So glad to have learned of this.
Janice Metzger
Web Extra, Nov. 16: “Santa Fe settles cops’ killing of man with mental illness”
Why can’t we be nice
One month's rent. What kind of property manager evicts for one month overdue? Even mortgage companies and banks work on late payments for much longer. Even without mental illness I would be pretty "unhappy" for being evicted after a month. My heart breaks for this guy and his family. What kind of society have we become? What happened to compassion?
Jacqueline Filby