Julie Ann Grimm
Cover, April 24: “Static Transit”
Since the Rail Runner started, I've driven my car twice to Albuquerque. Do people know you can ride free on Albuquerque transit by showing your Rail Runner receipt, and it's the same in Santa Fe?
I wonder why during the week after 7:13 am, the next train is 1:02 pm (a six-hour wait). What's wrong with this picture? Why would officials want to build a station on private land at Zia Road and St. Francis Drive, a very heavily trafficked intersection, and later state the owner wants to add apartments, shops and parking at the same location? Could it be another pay-to-play scheme?
Wouldn't the station be better on St. Michael's Drive in the old Greyhound bus station? During the opera season, why doesn't the Rail Runner partner with Santa Fe Trails and run service to the opera? You must spend money to make money and be convenient to the public. It's not that hard to figure.
Ray Audain
Santa Fe
Wake Up, Folks
You just can't park at the Rail Runner's Zia/St. Francis Drive station. That's the main reason for diminished ridership on this great rail line to Albuquerque. A real stop at Zia will be best for many of us—a big shopping area is right across St. Francis Drive and this stop is close to the center of our commuting people. Next Rail Runner stop is on 599, way down in the boonies. There's a lot of open space at the Zia stop for real parking (not just silly "Kiss and Ride"). Let's wake up and do what's right for nearly everyone!
Richard Polese
Santa Fe
News, May 1: “It’s Water-Saving Season”
Not a Drop to Drink
With the growing demand for local sustainable foods, including "beef," readers should know that, to produce … 1/4 pound of beef you need about 460 gallons of water, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. If your beef is local free-range organic, then the water consumption is about twice that due to the longer lifespan and high desert conditions. Want to really save water? Go vegan!
James Corcoran
Santa Fe
Dave Cave co-founder Dex Valdez was in fact not a member of the band Yar, as was stated in "Two Minutes to Midnight" (cover, May 1).