Movies, May 29: “Aladdin”
It's not that bad. We went with our 5- and 8-year-old granddaughters and they certainly enjoyed it. Lighten up a little and try not to set the standards so high. Aquaman was way worse.
Brenda Robillard
Via Facebook
Special Issue, May 29: Summer Guide
Get it right
I am a great fan of community journalism, in particular the Reporter, but I was very disappointed with points made in two pieces in the Summer Guide.
"Discover Natural Wonders…" suggests weekend trips to Chaco Canyon and White Sands. Most locals stay away during the summer high heat. To those who might think "it goes without saying' to take and drink LOTS OF WATER," remember that two French tourists died for lack of water at White Sands in August 2015. Such advice is always necessary, especially for our visitors!
The Fishing Grid fails our visitors and our water alike, advising that there is no bag limit at Santa Cruz or Elephant Butte Reservoirs. For any and all public water, other than Special Trout Waters, New Mexico Game & Fish regulations state that a bag limit of five fish is considered any combination of trout and/or salmon with the exception that no more than two lake trout and/or two cutthroat trout may be included in the limit.
Reel Life knows the rules well, just as they know there are no walleye or northerns in Santa Cruz.
So thanks for all the info on issues and goings on; I hope the Reporter will exercise a bit more rigor when encouraging folks to explore New Mexico's natural beauty.
Jim Klukkert
El Rancho
Food, March 27: “Rethinking Recycling”
Rethink the rethink
The suggestion about deli containers is a good one but many municipalities across the country do not allow customers to bring in their own containers for safety reasons. I work in the grocery industry and it's true in our state. Our over-reliance on convenience and not cooking from scratch is also at the root of our plastic use. One other thing consumers can do is pressure their favorite stores and restaurants to go plastic-free.
Lisa Malmarowski