Morgan Smith
Sveta Backhaus
Opinion, Sept. 4: “I Agree!”
Missing the Point
Recent letters criticizing the Aug. 21 flamenco cover story are well-intentioned but miss the point. The article never claims to be a Who's Who of the local flamenco scene. Morgan Smith is a knowledgable and passionate supporter of Santa Fe's flamenco community. His photo portfolio shines attention on its lesser known emerging talent. (Morgan has always been an avid fan of "La Emi." We all love her.)
Many thanks to the Santa Fe Reporter for featuring his superb photos and text celebrating our exquisite yet under appreciated flamenco culture. Our little town boasts an abundance of great dance artists who all deserve the spotlight.
Gene Peach
Santa Fe
News, Sept. 4: “Room for More”
Develop Smarter
Santa Fe city planners have green-lighted numerous large housing projects over the last several years. Some were needed for affordable housing. But others have been questionably more for the benefit of developers. And as the sprawl continues, seemingly unfettered, at what point do we stop, and as a community, take a hard look at what we want Santa Fe to be going forward? Do we want to follow the examples of Phoenix or LA, expanding the city southward, adding more traffic, air and light pollution? Traffic is now noticeably worse. The senior planner said, "We can't lay it on this developer to solve problems on the Southside." Does that mean that developers should be allowed to continually add to those problems? Let's hit the brakes and create a community oriented plan for a livable, low impact Santa Fe.
Alder del Tangio
Santa Fe
News, Sept. 4: “WTF is an IRB?”
RE: NM Fresh Foods
The city cites Fresh Foods "minimal environmental impact," but the sponsors say it will process 500 million pounds over 10 years. Coming in, and going out again, that's a billion pounds of food trucked through the neighborhood. Have the neighbors been asked about that?
Berl Brecner
Santa Fe
Last week we listed the incorrect date for the City Council elections in November. The correct date is Nov. 5.