Anson Stevens-Bollen
A/C, Aug. 11: “CRT is My Reality”
Pre-existing system
The irony is that teaching kids about systemic racism actually relieves them of personal responsibility for what happened in the past because we’re all born into a pre-existing system not of our making. Our only responsibility is what we do about it now. Discomfort is to be expected, but guilt isn’t helpful or necessary.
RJ Ward via Facebook
Define Lying
Omitting historical facts or glossing over them is lying. Feeling “guilty” is a byproduct of realizing your/our/their privilege was built on the backs of our fellow citizens. Nothing wrong with that at all.
Serin Gufreda via Facebook
News, Aug. 11: “Waste on Wheels”
Goin’ down the road
Highway 599 was justified in part as a by-pass for Los Alamos but in reality is a super sprawl road for land developers in Santa Fe County.
Coco J Harris via Twitter @cocolaboca
Online, Aug. 10: “Source and Supply”
Arid Future
Grateful to live in a city that is managing water resources for an increasingly arid future and has decoupled water use from population growth in spite of it all. Now let’s build way more housing on the Eastside.
Ethan Linck via Twitter @ethanblinck