A/E, Feb. 9: “Annexation”
Shouldn’t be hidden
Huge thank you, to the Reporter and Alex De Vore, for shining a spotlight on this beautiful new artwork, and the Coe Center—it shouldn’t be too hidden on Pacheco anymore, thanks to the incredible talents of Nani Chacon. Stay tuned for more creative happenings at this place!!
Vanessa Hernandez-Elmore, Secretary, COE Center Board of Directors
Online, Feb. 2: “Tangled Tensions”
Disable the weapon
The false narrative/conflation re:crime and homelessness has persisted and has been an effective weapon against housing interventions and development for years and needs to end. @MayorWebber was right to call it out.
Michael Barrio, Executive Director, Santa Fe Housing Action Coalition Via Twitter @micbarrio
Loose correlation
It’s true that the two issues are not a 1:1 correlation. Intensive case management and supportive housing are crucial to stabilizing the lives of this vulnerable population. Let’s all work together to get there instead of finding fault with those who need us.
James Elrod via Twitter
3 Questions, Feb. 2: “With Archbishop John C Wester”
Talking points
The Catholic church serves up nothing but lip service, as usual. How about the atrocities committed by priests? Jarring juxtaposition indeed.
Ernest Aguirre via Facebook