Bella Davis
News, Feb. 2: “Air Supply”
We All Use It
WRT your article of two weeks ago on the “relocation” of the asphalt plant on the south side; Unfortunately, the article shows the same shallow thinking of most environmental reports.
First, asphalt is used everywhere for roads, parking lots and driveways. We all use it. In fact, we complain, loudly, when it is not there. If you want the convenience of this modern world, you need asphalt.
Second, the main plant is located in an industrial park with such illustrious neighbors as the wastewater treatment plant (smells good already), a cement ready-mix plant, the airport, and an auto salvage yard. Are you going to build a house there? And, I’m just wondering, who was there first, the plant or the houses?
Third, they are moving across the street, for Christ sakes.
This Chicken Little thinking is what drives people to the right.
PS If you were really serious about the environment, you would be writing about birth control. No one wants to admit it, but the buck starts there.
Marc Bonem, Santa Fe
Editor’s note: Bella Davis wrote an update to this story online Feb. 25 as the state Environment Department heard an appeal from area residents.
The Fork, Feb. 17: “Semi-Annual Survey”
Here, Piggy, Piggy
I would never tell you you’re stupid for not eating meat, but I will tell you that you’re missing out on a good thing. Choosing a life without bacon is something I can’t fathom.
Caitlin Richards, Santa Fe