Anson Stevens-Bollen
Cover, Jan. 25: “Northward Peril”
One of the best
One of the most well written and well informed articles I’ve ever read in the Reporter. And Cormac McCarthy to boot!
Michael O’Neill, Santa Fe
Touched the Heart
I wish to thank you for publishing Laura Paskus’ beautiful article entitled “Northward Peril.” The article was as informative as it was lyrical and it touched my heart.
When will humans stop being dominators and instead be stewards; living with the wildlife that so enrich the world? Wolves were here before people decided to eradicate them. They play an important part in balancing nature; they are, indeed, a keystone species. They know no artificial boundaries, only the drive that causes them to disperse, stay put, mate, raise a family and just live. It’s tragic that they cannot just live, but must fight to survive.
Dolores J Varga, Gold Canyon, Arizona
A sad story, beautifully told.
Nancy Williams Ambrosiano, via Facebook
Letters, Jan. 18: “Leading to Loss”
Sarcasm Intended
I’m so glad the city is bringing in a privately owned semi-pro soccer team at taxpayers’ expense. This is a great opportunity to build a new arena on Old Pecos Trail. We can also warehouse the obelisk in a back corner. And the other 359 days the soccer team doesn’t play games, we could put bunks on the artificial turf and solve the homeless problem.
Lauren Gurney, Santa Fe