BREAKING: Solano warrants unsealed

Former County Sheriff under investigation since Sept. 1, first admitted guilt Nov. 22

 Ninth Judicial District Attorney Matt Chandler has just made public the previously sealed warrants related to former Santa Fe County Sheriff Greg Solano's admission that he sold County property on eBay. The warrants show that Solano sold protective vests belonging to the county since January 2009 for an average of $175


In a press release issued today, Chandler says it could be up to a month until charges are brought against Solano.

"There have been numerous computers and records seized," Chandler tells SFR. "It's going to take the investigators some time to comb through those to make sure we don't miss anything, make sure everything's carefully examined."

Among the evidence leading to the warrants is the discovery of several other sales by Solano's sfbnews eBay account. State Police Agent Jesse Williams reports, in Warrant #6 (below), that in addition to protective vests, Solano sold the following items:

- 4 Olympus digital recorders "described as 'NEW!' on the eBay listing"

- at least 89 transactions involving CD-Rs and DVD-Rs (also described as "NEW!") in 25-pack and 30-pack bundles

- 2 new Seagate external hard drives (retail $ ) between 4/20/2010 and 4/22/10

- 7 "Original Genuine HP 95/98 ink cartridges" between 5/8/10 and 7/5/10

Below are the eight search warrants unsealed today. (Give them a minute to load!)

1) Warrant to seize laptops from Solano's home and office:

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2) Comcast warrant:

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3) Cellco warrant:

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4) Warrant for eBay user sfbnews (Nov.)

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5) Lobo Internet Services warrant:

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6) Warrant for eBay user sfbnews (Oct.):

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7) Qwest warrant:

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8) Alltel warrant:

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