Breaking—everything everywhere is terrible, and The Fork is feelin' blue. What with political strife at home and abroad, literal concentration camps in our own state and whatever else we haven't even heard about yet, we figured everyone could use some good news. So we're making it our mission to find some of that stuff. By no means does this mean we think you should try to disengage from politics or stop paying attention to everything possible, we're just thinking of it like a little respite from everything else. OK? OK.
For example. Did you know Revolution Bakery is returning? OK, maybe you didn't know it was gone, but everybody's favorite gluten-free bakery is on the rise again (which, like, is a baking joke), and we'll tell you more about it when we know. Boom. Good news.
Furthermore, Arroyo Vino, that bastion of food and wine and its own garden from whence some of its ingredients come, is kicking off a summer music series with Americana trio John Francis and the Poor Clares (whom you'll find in the picture above). Fresh food and fancy wines? Sounds like a hecka good summer night to us. Boom. Good news.
We came across a recipe for summer posole courtesy of the Santa Fe Farmers Market Institute, and there's no meat in it. Boom. Good news.
It's only verrrrrrrry peripherally related to food, but we heard tell of a new game for the kiddos called Dragon Snacks, and if you check out the 20 minute mark of this video, we think you'll agree that the dragon is pretty cute. Cute dragon? Boom. Good news.
With the Impossible Burger being impossibly hard to find in Santa Fe, it was super nice of Fork-a-Maniac Sue to drop us a line and let us know that Little Caesars (we know, we know, but, like, let's not get all holy about it) has a pizza with Impossible sausage available as we speak. Boom. Good news.
Edible New Mexico traveled the whole state to find eight tacos you'll love, and if a roadmap to tacos isn't good news, we don't know what is. Boom. Good news.
Café Mimosa is kicking off a brand new monthly LGBTQIA+-inclusive dance party/food party with DJs BadCat and Ana M (plus mimosas and such) called Pan@Mimosa, and it starts June 29—the same day as Pride. We'll remind you again next week, because we think it's cool. And you know what that means—Boom. Good news.
What's got you feeling good these days, Santa Fe?
Basically you while reading that stuff before.
-Within this week's SFR cover story "Roadmap for Resilience" (which was written by a cohort of paid student journalists working with our nonprofit partner the New Mexico Fund for Public Interest Journalism, to which you can donate here), find information on how the Santa Fe Community College is working towards a more sustainable future, including growing hydroponic food. Not too shabby!
-Word on the street is that Santa Fe Spirits (they make spirits) is getting into the beer game by adding a brewery component to its distillery. Score? Probably! In fairness, this news item is slightly older, but we still wanted to let you all know in case you hadn't heard.
-Speaking of beer, Chili Line Brewery (they make beers, but, like, a specific kind of beer that's smoky in flavor) opened a taproom in the old Lamy Amtrak station. We think that's cool, but The Fork has seen more than a few things that were going to "save Lamy" through the years, so we'll also just have to wait and see.
-Probably some other stuff happened, or will happen or is happening as we speak, but between these three things in this box and all that stuff up there, we're gonna just jump ahead to the global stuff now, OK? OK. Don't be sad.
More Tidbits
-Krispy Kreme, the donut chain that throws the way things are spelled to the wind, announced its plans to open a Times Square donut zone in New York City complete with—get this—a glaze waterfall. Yikes. And if that weren't enough, participating Krispy Kreme shops throughout the land are giving away free donuts this Saturday June 22 in honor of the anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing (which was technically June 24, but whatevs). No word on why a donut mega-corp is so psyched on people walking on the moon outside of it's totally effing awesome, but get them free donuts while you can/if you can.
-Attention shellfish aficionados: Panera bread is now selling lobster rolls for some reason. Know that, we guess?
-Since it's summer and all, popsugar.com has compiled a list of their 10 favorite canned wines. And before you get all high and mighty about canned wine, just don't. Instead, drink the canned wines and enjoy summer.
-If you do insist on being a wine snob, Food & Wine has a few tips on how to order at restaurants. It's interesting—we were watching yet another Rick Steves episode, and while he was in Paris checking out shops with a friend, he said that in France, where wine is, like, a pretty big deal, shoppers often plan a meal and then check with wine shop experts about what vintages to pair with it. Everyone we know seems to prefer to pretend like they know a bunch of stuff about wine, but we like the Steves way. Steves! Steves! Steves! Steves!
-Eater.com continues its run of excellent and fascinating stories with the origin on those Chinese placemats you'll find in Chinese restaurants in America. Where are they from and why do we know them? Find out here.
-OK, so this isn't food-related, but Anthony Carrigan, aka NoHo Hank from the incredible HBO series Barry, was cast as the villain in the upcoming three-quel, Bill & Ted Face the Music. This is easily the best news of all time, and we just thought you should know.
-In not so good news, it's still rough out there for bees, which is a significant bummer to us since we both love animals and because we need those cute little bees to live. NPR has more on how winter led to rampant and record-high colony collapse.
-We know there's a paywall, but we're including this bit from The New York Times anyway—seems Anthony Bourdain's alma mater, the Culinary Institute of America, will name a scholarship in his honor. Like many of you, The Fork thought Bourdain was pretty cool, especially—and we'll never stop saying this—because he did a lot of work in proving that disparate cultures needn't fear one another.
-Lastly, in Boston, some jabroni for some terrible reason conceived and executed a clam chowder popsicle. Does Ben Affleck know about this? Matt Damon? Some … baseball player from the Red Sox? This is not OK, and we're sorry, people of Earth.
We're sorry, we thought you was corn.
In the print edition of SFR, restaurant goer-to-er Zibby Wilder visited Jimmy D’s, that new upscale diner from the folks behind Trattoria a Mano and other such places. She liked the fish. Would you come to one of our restaurants if we opened it? Forky F’s, maybe?
A Totally Scientific Breakdown of The Fork’s Correspondence
Number of Letters Received
*The age The Fork will one day be … or already was.
Most Helpful Tip of the Week (not edited for content)
“Did you know you can get a lot of food in Santa Fe?”
*It’s nice to have confirmation.
Actually Helpful Tip
The one about Little Caesars—we’re not too proud for a hot ‘n’ ready.
We didn’t really think you was corn,
The Fork
PS: With Best of Santa Fe looming and taking up inordinate amounts of time, we might have to skip next week, but we’re going to try hard.
PPS: Whomever told one-time SFR editor Julia Goldberg that they look forward to The Fork each week, the message was received, and we thank you. Sorry she couldn’t divulge our secret identity, but would you ask Batman to remove his cowl? That’d just make you The Joker. Nobody should be The Joker.
PPPS: We’re not really gonna open a place called Forky F’s.
PPPPS: Futurama rules.