Sound off, Santa Fe!
Last week, we highlighted how Colorado governor Jared Polis doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to chile (and yeah, we know certain grocery stores across the country are set to stock Pueblo chile, but since we don't have to worry about that here, where chile is life, it doesn't matter)—and we asked you, dear readers, to tell us your thoughts.
You didn't disappoint, though admittedly, it wasn't as intense as the time we said Chipotle is wack. But anyway, we present to you now thoughts from Fork Fanatics on the NM v CO chile debacle (and our responses to said thoughts):
It is possible that the thing Colorado is known for interferes with the accuracy of the chile polling, the tabulation of results, the grammar and even the spelling of people who live there. I would not single out Governor Polis for what sounds like a slur. Quite the contrary. New Mexico would enjoy having more, rather than less, of such interference.
-Cheryl B
Cheryl is right, y'all—Colorado might be confused about how good their chile is because they've been stoned since 2014. It would also be good to get some of that stuff going down here, so long as government stays out of it and we expunge the records of people imprisoned for … Colorado's biggest cash crop.
What varieties of chile do they grow in Colorado? NMSU has developed many varieties under the "NUMEX" name. It would be interesting to know if they plan to use NUMEX Big Jim or NUMEX No. 9 for their contest entry.
-Robert C
Robert here is referring to New Mexico State University's adorably and aptly named Chile Pepper Institute, where the school works with, develops and otherwise worships chile. We agree with Robert as well on wanting to know more. Maybe we should check in with Polis? Stay tuned. Oh, and before we forget—three cheers for a school department dedicated to chile. What's your equivalent of that, Colorado? Weed schools? Schools that teach mountaineering? Something about pine trees? Give us a break!
I used to like the SFR weekday feed. But your language builds a wall against my joy in the read.
-Basia M
Well, it's not really about chile, but The Fork believes that in most (NOT ALL) cases, words can only have so much power over us—power we assign. Or something. Sorry to lose you, but The Fork sojourns on.
I agree with everything except the Oxford comma comment!
-Roger S
Take it up with AP Style, Rodge, but we still thank you for your vote of confidence. Colorado's full of it, right?
Thank you for the very entertaining FORK today! There is very little in the news to laugh about these days. Thanks for the smiles!
-Wendy S
Again, not really chile-based, but thank YOU for the smiles, Wendy. We take it you're from New Mexico? Jeeze, our chile is better, right?
I propose a blind tasting. Let there be participants, with the only stipulation being that each is a long-time resident of their two states: New Mexico and Colorado. Place them in rooms away from the snorts and influence of crowds. Let them taste chile samples from at least three places—say, New Mexico, Colorado, and California. Maybe more, as a surprise. Let them decide two things. One will be, which chile is from where. The other is, which chile is best. Let us be surprised. A giant leap for chilekind?
-Albo F
We think young Albo here is onto something, and we do have to wonder if our respective governors really meant it about the showdown. Is this thing going to happen? If so, we nominate Albo to be referee.
Well, we are Norteños recently transplanted to Colorado for grad school. We bought some Pueblo chile at farmers market and it was flavorless. Unfortunately, I think people from Colorado can't take the heat and believe that stuff is better. That means that having a taste-off in Colorado may defeat the purpose. The taste-off should be held in New Mexico.
-Elizabeth B
Ohhhhhh, zam! Y'all got told, Colorado! And to think, these poor students heading your way in search of an education, but also for some of the comforts of home, left to eat flavorless nonsense prepared by a bunch of Johnny-Come-Lately fakers who couldn't season a chile dish out of a paper bag!
Growing up in Santa Fe I have had my fill of Hatch. I am very picky about my green chile as you can probably guess. I've now lived in Colorado Springs since 1989. I've made a few concessions in the past (read slummed it on pueblo's—lower case intentional) but I get my Hatch from a local nursery that roasts them onsite. Pueblo chiles are just ok. They're not horrible, but they're not Hatch. In my humble opinion, you all should continue to fuel this fire and make the chile showdown a reality. I also feel like the NM Gov. should counter and insist on Raton ;-). Or maybe do it up on the pass, like between the leaving/welcome signs?
-Scott D
Welp, there you have it—another person who's lived in both places putting a definitive PERIOD on who has the goods. Was there ever any question?
This is bound to continue, so tune in next time for Netflix and Chile OR The Big Chile (h/t to Rocky & Bullwinkle)
We've been talking about green chile so much, we didn't want to leave red chile out. Here's a recipe in video form. Also, we have a visceral response to people insisting on saying "chiles," but we're gonna breathe deep and let it go.
-We're sad to learn of the passing of James Maryol, the founder and longtime owner of Tia Sophia's Restaurant. We've been eating there more years of our life than not, and our thoughts are with the Maryol family. There was a funeral for Maryol today (being July 25) at St. Elias Greek Orthodox Church, and he'll be interred at the National Cemetery in Santa Fe afterwards.
-We wanted to remind everyone that a number of local shops do special things for special events. For example, overhearing SFR staffers prepare for a night at the Santa Fe Opera (here's some coverage) by placing an order for a special cheese plate at Cheesemongers of Santa Fe made us think, "Damn, that sounds alright!"
-The Fork doesn't love being beaten to the punch, but we'll hand it to Teya Vitu at The Santa Fe New Mexican for breaking this story about a new eatery from the folks behind Mamunia. Joe and Kelly Garcia's Henry and the Fish is open in the old Yoberri location (that's 217 W San Francisco St. for those of you playing along at home), and we hear it's fantastic.
More Tidbits
-BREAKING: We still hate Bobby Flay, and none of your letters about how he seems nice, or how he was in an episode of Entourage, the official show of jerks, is gonna change our mind.
-Come Aug. 5, the Food Network has a new season of Kids Baking Championship ready to go, and having just learned that it's co-hosted by Valerie emmer-effing Bertinelli (and some cake jerk called Duff, we guess), we're intrigued in one of those oh-how-your-star-has-fallen kinda ways. But y'know what? Good for Valerie. Good for Duff. Whatevs.
-But if you thought the baking information ended there, you're sorely mistaken, because the Netflix show Sugar Rush, which is about baking, bakes its way into your heart along with an episode featuring Albuquerque-baked baker Brittany Church. Daaaaaaang!
-Seems fast-fashion brand Forever 21 thinks itself cute by including samples of Atkins diet bars in shipped orders of plus-sized clothing. Sorry, everyone, but eff that. It's so condescending, so judgmental, so … slimy. Anyway, people are pissed, as well they should be.
-HuffPost has advice for people whose home-turf grocery stores may have stopped carrying their favorite snacks. Now, we're not saying you should mount a campaign to get Dunkaroos back, but we're not not saying you should do that, either.
-Since the Impossible Burger wound up changing so many lives (and being so tasty—and no, we don't want to hear about how you still prefer meat; that's fine, just …. OK?), it sounds like the company has its eye on more fake meats, namely salmon. We could get onboard with that, by which we mean we'll at least give it a try, should it show up commercially in the world.
-Lastly today, there's a new red velvet coffee creamer on the market, which seems weird as red velvet is really more about aesthetics than a taste. It's literally choco cake with red food dye, so … what're we doing here, Coffeemate? Also, how weird is the product name Coffeemate? Break it down in your mind right now, and get back to us.
In the print edition of SFR, living sustainability meter Zibby Wilder chatted up Vinaigrette/Modern General owner Erin Wade about the new eco initiatives coming to her restaurants in Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Austin, Texas.
A Totally Scientific Breakdown of The Fork’s Correspondence
Number of Letters Received
*That’s better.
Most Helpful Tip of the Week (not edited for content)
*You don’t wanna know
Actually Helpful Tip
*Once again, nothing.
Something about chile,
The Fork