It’s always been incredibly important for the team at Del Norte Credit Union to support local organizations that are making an impact in the communities we serve. That is why we’re so eager to support and become official Friends of the Reporter.
We believe that independent journalism and voices like those of our favorite newspaper help build the fabric of our daily lives. As a transplant from Texas, when I first moved to Santa Fe in 2016, I remember picking up my first edition of the Santa Fe Reporter. It was the June Pride issue. I will never forget that cover—I think it sat on my kitchen table for months!
Needless to say, I quickly felt a connection with the stories being told and ever since then, SFR has been synonymous with the life I have built here in Santa Fe. Working in the marketing and communications department at DNCU, a local nonprofit financial institution, I knew all along that choosing to support SFR was necessary to capture an audience that believes in the same things we do. We are regular advertisers. We are here for our community. We care about the same issues as you do. And together, we can overcome anything.
These thoughts came to life this year for the results of the Best of Santa Fe 2020 readers poll. Every year, "Best Of" is like our own holiday. Del Norte Credit Union loves to share this opportunity with our members, employees and staff. We talk about our favorites. We hurt when ours don't win. But the real beauty in this is that SFR and Best of Santa Fe help us remember the businesses that go above and beyond for their customers.
The pandemic changed things for us this year like it has for everyone else. We also know that many of the winners this year had been closed and were struggling because of the many changes and restrictions due to COVID-19. That is why DNCU decided to include other winners in our full-page ad this year for the special issue. We celebrated them. We came together.
That is what Friends of the Reporter is all about. It's about coming together to help the very businesses that make Santa Fe The City Different. I hope you can join us in keeping local, independent journalism alive in our city. We believe in SFR—and you should too.
Stay safe, friends.
Diego Armando Muñoz AVP of Brand Marketing & Communications at Del Norte Credit Union
This letter from Diego Armando Muñoz is part of a series we are publishing about Friends of the Reporter, a new model for supporting our journalism mission. Visit, to make a one-time or recurring donation. You'll get perks like discounts on on our merch and a monthly giveaway.
In September, one lucky Friend will win a Kala Dolphin Soprano Ukulele donated by The Candyman Strings and Things.