7 Days

7 Days: July 17, 2024

The “Rust” trial ends as the Legislature begins

1. Santa Fe Police use drones to locate car theft suspects

Chupacabra still at large

2. Judge ends the Alec Baldwin Rust case

and possibly a few legal careers

3. City of Santa Fe fills vacant spokesperson position

But has yet to announce doing so

4. Democratic lawmakers express concern about governor’s public safety session

While in a squad line wearing protective gear

5. Santa Fe City Council votes on median safety bill at special meeting on Wednesday

To be really special, they should hold it on a median

6. Amid lawsuits, businessman Gerry Peters admits he’s scaling back operations

But now who will run Santa Fe?

7. Santa Fe National Forest reports new lightening-sparked wildfires

But as of yet, no locusts falling from the sky

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