Kelli Johansen
Mountain Spirit Integrative Medicine
Best Acupuncturist
1. Mountain Spirit Integrative Medicine
For those who know—and you know, Santa Fe—acupuncture can be a godsend. You want knowledgeable folks tapping in those needles for relief and release. You trust Mountain Spirit, which is really saying something in a town like Santa Fe where the options are many. They’re open seven days a week with multiple locations between here and Albuquerque, with a diverse team of eight doctors, so you won’t wait long on the road to feeling well.
303 Paseo de Peralta, 1348 Pacheco St., (505) 988-2449
2. Rachel Ropp, DOM, Aspen Wellness
No big, but practitioner Rachel Ropp has her master’s of science in Oriental medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College, and that means she’s more than prepared to make the magic happen. She’s licensed to prescribe herbs and offer nutritional advice, too!
3450 Zafarano Drive, (505) 466-5887
3. High Desert Healthcare & Massage
Your one-stop shop for acupuncture, massage and that one-of-a-kind feeling that comes from knowing you’re taking the time to help yourself feel better, both physically and mentally.
644 Paseo de Peralta, (505) 984-8830
Best Alternative Healing
1. Mountain Spirit Integrative Medicine
One thing’s for sure, Santa Fe—when you want to do something for yourself in the wellness arena, you’re all about Mountain Spirit. Look around just about any recent year’s Best of Santa Fe issues and you’ll find them at the top of numerous categories. With a cavalcade of treatment options from primary care medicine, massage and acupuncture to naprapathy, colonics and more: You’ll be relaxed, cleansed or otherwise feeling better in no time. With two Santa Fe locations (plus a new space in Albuquerque), let your wellness journey begin.
303 Paseo de Peralta, 1348 Pacheco St., (505) 988-2449
You already dig ‘em for acupuncture reasons, why not the whole shebang? This Santa Fe outfit has clearly won your hearts and minds with its commitment, dedication and willingness to work outside the normal medical system.
3450 Zafarano Drive, (505) 466-5887
3. High Desert Healthcare & Massage
We’re starting to get deja vu here, but when something works, it works. Once again, High Desert Healthcare rounds out the top three, and we know how serious you are about such services, Santa Fe.
644 Paseo de Peralta, (505) 984-8830
Best Cannabis Dispensary
1. Fruit of the Earth Organics
As cannabis is set to become legal in New Mexico soon, there’s no discounting the importance of the dispensaries that helped pave the way. This family-owned operation picks up the top honors in Santa Fe thanks to its community-minded practices, its lack of third-party investors and its massive selection of organic CBD products.
901 Early St., (505) 310-7917
With nearly 150 products and a holistic bent toward wellness, KURE also boasts some of the most enticing edibles in the cannabis world. Indica and sativa candy bars? Yes, please.
220 N Guadalupe St., (505) 930-5339; 3354 Cerrillos Road, (505) 471-4507
One of the larger cannabis dispensaries in the state, Sacred Garden has four locations across Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Las Cruces. You’ll find a broad range of products and a helpful staff.
1300 Luisa St., Ste. 1, (505) 216-9686
Best CBD
1. Fruit of the Earth Organics
Wow, we were just talking about the CBD selection at this locally owned dispensary, and it seems like you were way ahead of us, Santa Fe. When it comes to the non-THC products derived from cannabidiol (that’s CBD to you), anecdotal evidence suggests it can do everything from squash your anxiety to help your pets feel younger. We’re not doctors and don’t make that call, but we will say it calmed down our cat like you wouldn’t believe.
901 Early St., (505) 310-7917
Owner David Bancroft aims to put the integrity into the hemp and CBD game, and having overcome his own health concerns with the help of cannabidiol, he’s ready to do what he can for you.
1730 Camino Carlos Rey, Ste. 204, (505) 490-3644
Whether you’re in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Las Vegas, Las Lunas or Bernalillo, there’s a Minerva Canna location with CBD to help you out.
1710 Cerrillos Road, (505) 982-1090

Courtesy connerlychiropracticcenter.com
Connerly Chiropratic, Acupuncture & Physical Medicine GroupBest Chiropractor
1. Connerly Chiropratic, Acupuncture & Physical Medicine Group
If you’ve ever felt the deep down back crack achievable by a talented chiropractor, you know exactly why John C. Connerly, DC, has topped his Best of Santa Fe category for the fourth year running (plus he’s won other spots in previous years). Connerly Chiropractic has a wide range of services and practitioners ready to do anything from get at that crick in your next to acupuncture, massage, ultrasound and more.
1892 Plaza Del Sur, (505) 988-8017
2. Winds of Choice Chiropractic
Word on the street is that Dr. Windy Carter is kind and intuitive—plus she keeps chickens and bees, works with feet and will even crack teens. Everyone knows it’s Windy, y’all.
2949 Richards Ave., (505) 424-9114
3. Dr. Mark Morgan
He’s got high ratings with ratemds.com and is one of those Santa Fe word-of-mouth treasures. When you just gots to get relief, this is where you go.
1904 Kiva Road, (505) 820-0706
Best Dental Practice
There’s no over-hyping good dental health or quality dental care, and Milagro Dental feels like a miracle to the citizens of Santa Fe. This marks Milagro’s third year in our Best of Santa Fe issue (and its second time winning first), and we know exactly why that is: Doctors Kasha Ujda and Zachary Riesenberger know their stuff, plus find friendly staff, a wide range of services, help with whitening, sleep apnea, implants and more. Your smile could light up the town. It does light up the town. Fame, fortune and glory are yours.
2019 Galisteo St., Ste. L2, (505) 982-9222
All you need to know is in the amazing photo on Dr. McQuitty’s website. OK, you need more? Well, he’s popular for preventative, aesthetic and reconstructive methods and he just wants to make you proud of your teeth.
308 Garfield St., (505) 988-9888
You don’t even have to live in the Eldorado subdivision to get in on the goods offered by Dr. Haley Ritchey, DDS, and you’ll be glad you made the drive for her professionalism, services and all-around teeth-fixing fun. Alright, so it’s not fun-fun, but you’ll feel and look better.
1 Caliente Road, Eldorado, (505) 466-0999
Best Fitness Classes
For more than 20 years, Santa Fe Health & Fitness has made it a point to be the friendly, motivating sort of place where people go and don’t feel terrible about themselves. Whether you’ve signed up for a fitness boot camp or are just performing routine maintenance, this is your one-stop shop for weights, cardio, classes and more. You can even get yourself a complimentary one-week pass to check everything out before you decide to join.
2008 St. Michael’s Drive, (505) 795-7742
Whether it’s group training, classes, one-on-one sessions or something else altogether, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better downtown gym. Is there even one? No matter. This is the best one downtown.
703 Camino de la Familia, (505) 983-7909
3. Studio Nia
Though the origins of Nia are in non-impact aerobics, the practice has since grown into a full-fledged movement and fitness regimen all its own. At Santa Fe’s Studio Nia, it’s as easy to sign up as hitting the website and buying a pass.
851 San Mateo Road, (505) 989-1299
Best Health Care
Even after all these years, you still vote for Santa Fe’s oldest hospital. We’ve got a thing here wherein we like what we know and we trust what we know—and you know this hospital. Here’s hoping you’ll have to visit as little as humanly possible, but when you’ve got an emergency or otherwise need Western medical help, this is where you choose to go.
455 St. Michael’s Drive, (505) 913-3361
2. Presbyterian Medical Center
The new kid on the block even has a clinic in Pecos with an excellent opioid dependency program. We’re growing, Santa Fe—we should have health care options to match that.
4801 Beckner Road, (505) 772-1234
For 25 years, this nonprofit center has not only been a constant help, it has hosted some seriously cool parties. There’s something glorious about a place you can go to treat a malady and that also knows how to throw together a gala.
649 Harkle Road, 810 W San Mateo Road, 901 W Alameda St., (505) 995-9454
Best Mental Health Care Provider
As the idea of receiving assistance with one’s mental health phases more and more into the world of things we actually (and thankfully) talk about more openly, Southwest Care has you covered. There’s no denying we all struggle from time to time, and with trained professionals on staff who actually care whether you’re making progress, this Santa Fe mainstay tops the list as your favorite place to work on the ol’ mind.
649 Harkle Road, 810 W San Mateo Road, 901 W Alameda St., (505) 995-9454
2. CHRISTUS St. Vincent Behavioral Health
Health care is not just for internal injuries anymore. In fact, if you’re facing any kind of hurt, the folks at CHRISTUS will try to help you out.
440 St. Michael’s Drive, Ste. 250, (505) 913-3056
One of the most complete programs in the state can help with housing, substance abuse and yes, even mental health. This is community work in one of its purest, most impactful forms.
2325 Cerrillos Road, (505) 438-0010
Best Nonprofit for Health
1. Planned Parenthood—Santa Fe Health Center
If you think this long-running and heroic organization is just about sex stuff, you’re sorely mistaken—and after attempts to defund, discredit or otherwise cast a negative light on Planned Parenthood since...always, it’s wildly heartening to know you still love it, Santa Fe. If you ever want to have yourself a really good time, donate a bunch of money under the name of some old white guy who doesn’t understand the PP value. It’s funny and helpful!
730 St. Michael’s Drive, (505) 982-3684
There just aren’t enough kind words to toss at this staple of Santa Fe health, but we’re glad to know everybody knows about La Familia’s helpful, affordable presence in the community. What’s not to love?
1035 Alto St., 2145 Caja del Oro Grant Road, (505) 982-4425
What else can even be said about Santa Fe’s oldest hospital besides how much our readers love and trust it? Probably not a whole lot, but the fact remains: This is where the locals go.
455 St. Michael’s Drive, (505) 913-3361
Best Physical Therapy
1. CHRISTUS St. Vincent Sports Medicine & Therapy Services
If someone has reached the point where they need physical therapy, you can almost always be sure they’ve got a long and arduous path ahead. It’s important to get quality therapists in this milieu, and important for patients to get the best possible care. In Santa Fe, our readers say that care comes from CHRISTUS.
2968 Rodeo Park Drive W, Ste. 100, (505) 913-5100
Self-described as “artsy and upbeat,” this independent physical therapy group makes use of both manual and exercise therapies and actually listens and addresses its patients’ concerns.
333 W Cordova Road, (505) 984-9101
3. CorePhysio
Dr. Frank Hatch believes in a more holistic approach in the journey to regained mobility, tackling any physical therapy needs from the three prongs of mind, body and sport—yes, sport.
1850 CaIIe Medico, Ste. H, (505) 983-2673
Best Pilates Studio
1. Santa Fe Community College: Leslie Jackson
Pilates itself was created in the early 1900s, and practitioner/instructor types like the Santa Fe Community College’s Leslie Jackson keep the dream alive. It’s a popular form of exercise, and one that comes with myriad (and noticeable) benefits within a few short weeks. Jackson teaches everyone from beginners to the advanced, and it’s all but certain there’s a tier that’s just right for you.
6401 Richards Ave., (505) 428-1000
This Eldorado studio wants to help you actualize and live your best life possible, and that includes all the pilates apparatuses plus in-person classes, Zoom instruction and even one-on-one options for the shy.
3 Caliente Road, Ste. 4, Eldorado, (505) 466-3380
3. Dance Space Santa Fe
Dance Space Santa Fe believes in encouraging celebration through movement, not only by pilates, but jazz, ballet, Zumba and modern dance classes too. These are classes for beginner to professional—so don’t delay, chase your dance dream today.
3208 Richards Lane, Ste. A, (505) 429-6483

Kelli Johansen
Santa Fe Health & FitnessBest Small Gym
Though the rise of the massive chain gym sure did seem to standardize fitness (while adding a terrifying amount of being near strangers while vulnerable), smaller gyms feel entirely more Santa Fe-core. At Santa Fe Health & Fitness, you’ll have access to all the amenities of the big guys without the hassle, pressure or judgmental trainer types (they do have trainers, they’re just not jerks).
2008 St. Michael’s Drive, (505) 795-7742
2. Santa Fe Spa
When a gym’s been around since ’86, one has to assume it’s because the folks behind it know what they’re doing and how customer service works. We hear it’s the friendliest gym in town.
786 Calle Mejia, (505) 984-8727
Think of it like a boutique experience in a gym setting, Santa Fe; the kind of personalized, attentive assistance you want when you’re sweatin’ to the oldies or entering mile 5 on your treadmill-propelled mission to get fit.
703 Camino de la Familia, (505) 983-7909
Best Urgent Care
Nobody wakes up hoping to spend time in some urgent care center, but when Santa Feans are looking for non-emergency (but still important) attention, they look to Railyard Urgent Care. These docs understand you probably aren’t at your best and work kindly, respectfully and quickly to help get you back and on your feet and feeling normal again.
831 S St. Francis Drive, (505) 501-7791
Santa Fe loves Pres in hospital form and it loves it urgent care form, too. You can even set an appointment online, and that makes the whole getting care thing a whole lot easier.
4801 Beckner Road, (505) 772-1234; 454 St. Michael’s Drive, (505) 303-5000
3. CHRISTUS St. Vincent Entrada Contenta Health Center
Yet another in a long line of services from Santa Fe’s most well-known medical group. You like them. You really, really like them!
5501 Herrera Drive, (505) 913-3233
Best Women’s Health Services
1. Planned Parenthood—Santa Fe Health Center
Surprise! Naw, just kidding—of course it was going to be Planned Parenthood. But it’s not just about name recognition, it’s about decades on decades of serving women that places this national org at the top of your list. The Santa Fe chapter’s good, too; just ask any of the ladies we know who swear by its services.
730 St. Michael’s Drive, (505) 982-3684
2. CHRISTUS St. Vincent Women’s Care Specialists
Yup, CHRISTUS has women in mind, too, and seeing as how you’ve placed it in the top three in pretty much every other health category, we assume they treat you right.
1622 Galisteo St., Ste. 200, (505) 984-0303
With three locations across Santa Fe, women from all neighborhoods are never far from Southwest Care’s award-winning services. Go for the convenience, stay for the top-notch help.
649 Harkle Road, 810 W San Mateo Road, 901 W Alameda St., (505) 995-9454
Best Yoga Studio
1. YogaSource
As people have been telling us since time immemorial, a good place to practice yoga is very much on most Santa Feans’ minds. And when you’re ready to get all bendy and sweaty, you take it to YogaSource. The studio offers classes both in-person and virtually, plus there’s lots to learn for yoga fans of all ages and ability levels. Did we mention the 40 classes are affordable, too?
901 W San Mateo Road, Ste. Y, (505) 982-0990
Welp, the name kind of says it all: community. That ethos is at the core of Santa Fe’s only nonprofit yoga studio, one which offers a bevy of classes, takes yoga into the schools and otherwise has you feeling fine.
826 Camino Carlos Rey, (505) 820-9363
Maybe you’d love to get yoga-ing but don’t know where to find the time. Not to worry, as Ever Joyful brings the classes right into your home with livestreamed sessions.
23 Arroyo Griego, (505) 699-7432