1 Mike’s Garage
1501 Fifth St.
It ain’t easy to get Mike’s Garage owner, Mike Griego, on the phone. Well, at least not if you’re an annoying reporter calling to interview him. It turns out Griego dedicates his phone time to his clientele and his face time to what he finds under their hoods.
Mike’s Garage only services Subaru vehicles, so a casual glance at Santa Fe’s roads is enough to tell you that the place probably has more business than it can handle. “Our clients are great,” Griego says. “They’re kind people and we treat ’em right.” With 25 years of maintaining and repairing Subies behind him, Griego says he and his regular customers have developed a bond of trust. Mike’s Garage will service all Subies, from a vintage Brat to a fully-loaded Legacy fresh off the showroom floor. The staff is proactive, making sure customers get the most out of a service visit—notification of upcoming scheduled maintenance, pointing out the wear and tear on replaceable items, and giving vehicles a much deeper look than just a kick on the tires.
Mike’s staff also had a Best Of Santa Fe question ready for SFR: “When’s the party?"
2 Alex Safety Lane, 1370 Pacheco St., 505-983-5577
3 Toy Auto Man, 4774 Airport Road, 505-983-9463