Does the idea of sleeping outside in the dead of winter set your teeth to vicarious chattering? You're probably not alone but, in this year's Winter Guide, writer Justin Nyberg describes building a snow cave as shelter for a rewarding night of winter camping.
Of course, for some of us, hunkering down in a snow cave sounds more like imprisonment in a snow cage—we want to keep warm during winter at all costs. One surefire way to keep not just cozy, but break a sweat, is to do as writer Cullen Curtiss did and jump into Bikram Yoga, appropriately called "hot" yoga by many of its devoted fans.
Whether you love or eschew the cold, there's no denying that winter is on its way. With it comes the chance to hit the slopes or the frozen lake and then soothe those sore muscles with a hot-stone massage. Or, perhaps, you just want to stay in with a delicious cup of hot chocolate? A Qasimi has you covered with recipes for delicious winter drinks.
These are just a few of the stories we present in this year's Winter Guide—you'll also find tips for winterizing your home, buying a wood-burning stove and putting those red chile ristras to good—and warming—use.
Of course, cold weather is no excuse to stay indoors all the time. We've got the goods on the coming season of arts and culture, films, and the timeless activity of shopping.
Finally, we all know that winter and the holidays can be a harder time of year for many in our community. Writer Charlotte Jusinski expounds upon the rewards of her volunteerism with Kitchen Angels and provides a quick primer on local non-profits that need our help during the season.
Bundle up!
—Julia Goldberg
Winter Guide Index