Cover illustration by Charlene Chua
As anyone who survived the Endless Winter of 2009 knows, short, cold days and long, cold nights require a game plan. And, like most of life's experiences (falling in love, winning the lottery, surviving the apocalypse), a little self-knowledge goes a long way. So what kind of Winterer are you? Take this quick quiz to find out, and then consult our 2010 Winter Guide to make a plan as the temperatures drop and the snow (keep your fingers crossed) starts falling:
1. The meteorologists get it right and Santa Fe is blanketed overnight under a foot of snow. Your response:
a. I need a whiskey, stat!
b. It’s time to check the winter greens and make sure they’re
warm enough.
c. I’ve got my skis, and I’m ready to go.
2. Ah, the holidays. They make you want to:
a. Throw a vampire-themed party.
b. Sing!
c. Eat!
3. ’Tis the season to:
a. Bundle up for the farolito walk.
b. Light the menorah!
c. Help others.
Answer Key:
a. Is your nickname Hot Toddy? For those who require a delicious liquid concoction—warm or otherwise—for comfort during the cold months, check out SFR’s selection of winter cocktails.
b. Oh, Pioneer! You’re ready to wrest food from even frozen ground. Hint: A cold frame, hoop house or greenhouse will help make you a year-round gardener.
c. Snow Bunnies, rejoice. We’ve got your annual chart (.pdf) to the area’s great skiing and outdoor-recreation areas.
a. Hey, Party Animal: Take some tips for planning your vampire/Studio 54/celebrity-themed party this winter.
b. Winter Songbirds: You know that holiday music ain’t just “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” Get tips from expert carolers and check out the full array of holiday concerts.
c. Comfort Foodies: Yes, you rejoice at the prospect of turkey, stuffing and many kinds of pies. But remember, even vegetarians deserve to eat at the holidays; Real Food Nation helps SFR plan a menu.
a. Winter Wanderers: Ready for Christmas Eve’s farolitos, flying and stationary? Be sure to check out SFR’s guide to the events and happenings of the coming months, along with holiday art events at which you can pick up gifts for all the folks on your list.
b. Festival of Lights Participants: You’ll enjoy SFR writer Ramón A Lovato’s exploration of the mysteries of Hanukkah—along with the events to celebrate the holiday (.pdf).
c. Big Hearts: You want to lend a helping hand this winter. We’ll give you some ideas to end the year—and start the next one—making Santa Fe a better place.