Morning Word: Rare Javier

One and done
Santa Fe Mayor Javier Gonzales stunned the city yesterday when he sent a mid-afternoon email blast announcing he does not plan to seek reelection. The mayor cited the conflicting demands of being a father and holding the city's highest office in his lengthy announcement. The decision blows open the race and already some interesting names are popping up.

A boy named sue
New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas and 15 of his friends―who also happen to be attorneys general for other states and Washington, DC—are suing President Trump over his DACA decision. It's an interesting move, because a suit by nine attorneys general of Republican states helped force the president's hand in making his decision to end the program. The suit says the Trump decision is discriminatory and also harmful to state economies.

Third time's a ... 
Española has hired a former officer as its new police chief. Raymond Romero will take over the police department after it came to light that the previous two chiefs either face or have faced domestic violence charges. Romero used to work for the city. He's been working as an investigator for the New Mexico Public Education Department and will become the city's third police chief this year.

A stern rebuke
It doesn't mean anything legally, but the Española school board voted to censure one its members, Pablo Lujan, for speaking out against the district's hiring practices and its leadership. Lujan says he's only speaking his mind and will continue to do so. The district is emerging from years of turmoil involving its superintendents and former basketball coach.

A guesstimate?
Albuquerque Business First reports that a study cited by Mayor Berry's administration to help it sell the bus rapid transit program along Central Avenue—known as ART—wasn't a study at all. Instead, it seems to have been a PowerPoint presentation based on what the author calls his "best guess." It also wasn't crafted by the local chapter of a national real estate development group, as initially advertised, but by principals at an architectural firm that won city business on the project. 

Not so fast?
New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez' private attorney has asked the state to temporarily bar the enactment of several laws as she appeals a judge's ruling that she improperly vetoed them. The governor says putting the laws into effect would be difficult for the people they impact if she wins her appeal and the laws are once again vetoed. Among other things, the 10 bills she vetoed involve industrial hemp programs, broadband access and graduation requirements.

Counties sue opioid makers
Two New Mexico counties plan to sue drug companies for their marketing of opioids, saying they have contributed to a spike in overdose deaths from the highly addictive drugs. Massive Bernalillo County just voted to file suit, days after Mora County voted to do the same.

State fair!
Get out your Tums, the state fair is back. The annual 11-day celebration of New Mexico culture—and fried food—starts this week. Fair organizers have brought in a circus as well as many tried-and-true favorite attractions.

Thanks for reading! The Word is collecting signatures for a mayoral run. Together, we can do this. Join us! We can rule the galaxy as ... oh, wait.

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