Words matter. The word "sanctuary" isn't found in Santa Fe's policy, but a resolution unanimously adopted on Wednesday affirms and strengthens the city's approach to the treatment of immigrants.
Seven city councilors, plus Major Javier Gonzales, voted forthe resolution, which includes provisions to expand language access servicesand prohibit Santa Fe from enrolling in "e-verify," a federal programthat crosschecks employee information with Department of Homeland Securitydatabases. (Councilor Peter Ives was absent on a trip to Washington DC.)
The new policy also reaffirms Santa Fe's commitment to being a "welcomingcommunity" for immigrants and refugees.
"Youguys all have the power to change our lives," said Neison López, an immigrant,addressing councilors before the resolution passed.
"Tomorrow we become stronger as a community. It reaffirms my belief that Santa Fe is family," said Mayor Gonzales, like many others in the room, with tears in his eyes. "We look out for one another."
The room erupted in cheers with each vote in favor of the resolution. "Si se puede!" chanted a group of elated supporters in the back of the room, as they jumped in a huddle.
Wednesday evening’s vote comes the day after President Donald Trump unveiled aplan to ramp up deportations, which vastly expands the definition of “criminalalien” and encourages local police officers to help federal deportationauthorities. Former president Barack Obama, whose administration deported more than 2million undocumented immigrants, focused on violent offenders.
By approving the sanctuary resolution,
the C
ouncilcapped off a months-long saga tinged with political bickering. CouncilorMichael Harris earlier this month offered an alternate resolution thatreaffirmed the city’s “commitment to the rule of law” and highlighted statsshowing sanctuary cities have lower crime rates.
Harris introduced his proposal after criticizing Somos UnPueblo Unido, the immigrant advocacy organization, for flooding a town hall inhis district, an action he described as "hijacking."
But the dueling resolutions seemed to merge this weekend. SFR spotted Harrisworking on the proposal with fellow councilors Joseph Maestas and Renee Villarreal at a coffee shop. Harris'suggestions were folded into the resolution Wednesday night through anamendment unanimously approved by the body.
The drumbeat towards tonight's vote kicked off shortly after Trump's victory onelection night, which raised fears that the vehemently anti-immigrant presidentwill carry out his plan to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities.
Mayor Gonzales became something of a national figure, appearing on cable newsnetworks defending Santa Fe's immigration policies during final months ofPresident Obama's administration.
The vote followed an emotional public comment session, which have becomeroutine for every committee meeting on this resolution. As they did forprevious meetings, supporters wore yellow fliers pinned to their t-shirts withthe message: "Sanctuary = A Stronger City For All."
Lawyers, religious leaders, educators, advocates, public officials, businessowners and immigrants all spoke in favor of the resolution. Locals filled thecouncil chambers to capacity, spilling out into the hallway.
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"I invite you to visit our schools and let the children knowthis town embraces them," said Miguel Acosta, a family and community engagementspecialist at Santa Fe Public Schools. "This is my kind of town."
"Lately they've been very scared," said Allegra Love, an immigration lawyer, ofher clients. "And your decision will go a long way to make them feel safer andloved in a country that has turned against them."
"This is a 'We the People' moment in America, and you have made Santa Fe a partof that," said Walter Friedenberg.
Former Santa Fe mayor David Coss also showed up to support the resolution, ashe has done during previous public comment sessions, choking up during hisaddress to the council.
"I was just gonna leave it to the younger generation and go fishing," Coss toldSFR. "But times are too serious. We need to resist, and I've been greatlyencouraged by who is participating."