
South Meadows/Agua Fría Road Construction Set to Begin

Officials say the long-awaited project could take six to nine months to complete

Road signs went up on both South Meadows Road and Agua Fría Street last weekend, signaling construction on the long-awaited project will begin Monday, July 31. City of Santa Fe Public Works Director Regina Wheeler tells SFR via email the project is expected to take six to nine months, “depending on time to secure materials.” As for the project’s impact on increased Agua Fría traffic from the West Alameda closure, Wheeler writes that the South Meadows construction traffic control plan “did take into account the West Alameda closure. That detour is distant from this project, but some additional traffic was considered, probably entering from South Meadows and 599. Detours during construction ensure that all properties can be safely and efficiently accessed.”

Capital Projects Manager Romella Glorioso-Moss tells SFR via email the city became aware of the problems at the intersection in 2014, and notes the considerable increase in traffic—and accidents—in the area between 2013 and 2015, possibly due to construction of the El Camino Real Academy, as well as increased residential development in the area. A 2019 presentation on the proposed roadwork notes the traffic congestion and hazards in play at the intersection, and outlined improvements that would address those issues with an upgraded traffic signal, turning lanes and improved pedestrian and bicycle access. The construction was subsequently delayed, with the Santa Fe City Council in May approving a resolution from District 3 City Councilors Lee Garcia and Chris Rivera, in whose district the construction falls, granting a third time extension for the project, which carries an estimated $3.2 million price tag (not including design), the lion’s share of which will come from the state.

According to information provided by Glorioso-Moss, the Agua Fría/South Meadows Intersection Improvements Project is 1,710 ft long, and begins from the intersection of Agua Fría and Morning Drive and ends at the intersection of Agua Fría and Jemez Road. “The improvements will include the construction of turning lanes on all legs of the intersection except for the North bound, 5-ft bike lanes on all directions, 6-ft sidewalks on both sides of the road, driveways per ADA and NMDOT’s type B or C pedestrian access.”

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