
7 Days

for the week of May 29, 2024

1. District Court Judge rules against City of Santa Fe’s new “mansion tax” for affordable housing

But will be making the court’s extra cardboard boxes available for anyone who needs a place to sleep

2. City of Santa Fe leaders announce plan to relocate controversial public statues to safe spaces

So…White Rock?

3. After spending $2.3 million on renovations, City delays opening Bicentennial Pool due to leaks

FYI, the GC3 has plenty of buckets they can share when the roof over there isn’t leaking

4. Santa Fe mayor previews $56 million in civic projects

Maybe that’s enough to fix Bicentennial Pool

5. Health department issues warning about heat

Too bad there’s not some easy, known way to cool off in the summer

6. City issues request for proposals for former warehouse 21 space

Aren’t there some leftover ideas from the Midtown campus?

7. Elon Musk visits Los Alamos National Laboratory

And will now try to buy it and change its name to Y

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