Letters to the Editor

August 13

Making victims
The cover story, “Journey Home” [July 16] was the latest in the Reporter’s endless celebration of “victims.” Given that nearly all of us can agree that the world as we know it is on the verge of major reckoning, surely there must be other topics that would better serve and unite local readers?

What makes this repetition more troubling is that apparently the Reporter doesn’t care much that the purported injustice was utterly unsubstantiated by the article. With a bit more space, I could elaborate; suffice it to say that nearly all of the life circumstances of the featured victims could be interpreted as resulting from poor choices/behavior at least as readily as from ethnic injustice. In any case, NO substantial evidence of injustice was presented.

To be clear, my comments should not be interpreted as judgments of the two individuals featured. Rather, the first step to anyone’s self-healing is to acknowledge one’s problems and to take accountability for one’s life, no? As such, by dressing up their difficulties as ethnic injustice, the Reporter did these women a grave disservice. And I would think that Native Americans in general must grow weary of this relentless positioning of them as helpless victims. (Does this theme have anything to do with perpetuating the general mythology of Santa Fe that draws tourist revenues?)

I’m sure the Reporter editors are well intended, but what will it take to move beyond the “diversity” mentality that serves to divide society by fixating on the surface differences of race, national origin, sex, etc.? As we ready ourselves to crash over the cliff of our economic-ecological undoing, let’s focus on what UNITES us; surely our collective humanity is more fundamental than our ethnic differences!
Jim Ludwig
Santa FE

Report on it
Instead of printing a letter that merely savages people who the writer of the letter likely doesn’t know, why doesn’t SFR send a reporter to interview Mr. Bernardo C’de Baca and his friends [Letters, July 30: “What a Joke.”]?

If Mr. C’de Baca doesn’t have facts to share, he and his pals may know people who do. The reporter could interview those folks and record real stories that might very well shed vivid light on the antagonism Mr. C’de Baca voiced in his letter.

Of course, I’m only assuming the nature of Mr. C’de Baca’s antagonism. And, I sadly add, real stories about antagonism in Santa Fe usually involve real estate, which might alienate SFR’s advertisers (although Zane Fischer rejuvenated the word ‘aspenization’ in these pages recently). But SFR would perform a useful service, nonetheless, and Mr. C’de Baca might contribute to the final draft of the story. He could certainly add humor, and I bet he knows a good bit more than he told us in his letter.
Robert Covelli
Santa Fe

Look Who’s talking
Responding to Mr. C’de Baca’s letter regarding John Lorenzen, your pinhead breakfast ensemble lacks insight. Also a 12-year Santa Fean, I love this town and know the area’s history.

You are either of Spanish descent or Puebloan. If Spanish, your “pompous and arrogant” (C’de Baca’s words) and greedy ancestors violently ripped this homeland from the aboriginals. Your fiestas prove the worship of Hitler-esque Oñate and violence of de Vargas, disguised as the “will” of the Virgin Mary. The statue re-named “Our Lady of Peace” from “La Conquistadora” presents a newer fake view of history.

If Puebloan, you should be ashamed at the commercialized superficiality of your art, heritage and culture by outsider people. (A certain land baron owning much of the Plaza area exponentially raised rents and essentially only the “40-78 Percent Off” outsider shops—some of questionable reputation—can afford rent). You should revolt against having the name of your conquering enslavers. Regain what is rightfully yours. Mr. Lorenzen may not have been “politically correct” in the article, but assuredly, he is, on his tours.
Jon Ewell

Due Credit
Interesting article [Cover story, July 30: “House of Cards”]. Why does it not talk about where the money you charge on your credit card really comes from? Most people think it comes from the bank or some big VISA company that just has a ton of money sitting around it’s waiting to lend. What credit card companies don’t tell you is they are lending you your own money—and charging you interest on it.

When you sign the dotted line on a credit card application, they do what’s called monetarizing your signature, turning it into cold hard cash for the bank. This is allowed by the Federal Reserve banking laws. Don’t confuse this with collateral. Your signature isn’t being used as a guarantee to pay—it’s literally being turned into cash. This is fraud. While monetarizing your signature is legal, not telling you they are doing this violates the contract you signed with them.

How do I know this? I have a friend who sued all his credit card companies and won, having all his debt eliminated. I’m not suggesting people sue to get out of debt. I am suggesting the banking system be changed. People shouldn’t be charged interest on their own money. A simple transaction fee, similar to what is paid to take money out of an ATM, might be more appropriate. People’s lives are being stifled by huge credit card debts, most of which is due to fictitious interest.
Dan Stih
Santa Fe

The money mirage
There has been ‘NO MONEY’ in general circulation since the HJR 192 of June 5, 1933 (i.e., your entire life, see House Joint Resolution 192 and the book The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin).

Therefore, NO man, woman, child, business, corporation or government entity at any level in the USA has any “money,” and consequently, NO BANK or “LENDING” INSTITUTION has any “money” to lend, and so they cannot and do NOT “loan any money” since it doesn’t exist as a matter of fact (“Money is Loaned into Existence”; see Modern Money Mechanics, a Federal Reserve publication).

“Your signature” creates, not “money,” but the “credits and funds” (the promissory note sets the off-setting debits and debt), which then authorizes the Federal Reserve to “create money out of thin air” and print the so-called “money” or make the “funds” available. “Your Signature” on the credit card application, or sent e-mail or even a simple “telephone call” authorizes and makes the “funds” available. NO BANK HAS EVER LOANED ANYBODY EVEN A DIME.

It all started several thousands of years ago with the “Goldsmiths” and “Money Changers” It’s all a 1,000 percent FRAUD, deceit, mis-representation, scam, sham, stealing, plunder and trickery, etc., i.e., modern and sophisticated “Voluntary Slavery” on their “Prison Planet/Plantation” established and maintained by the self-appointed “Masters of the Universe.” Simply ask any Bank President point blank: Does your bank have and thus loan any (real) “MONEY”?
José Vigil
Santa Fe

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Santa Fe Reporter

Letters to the Editor

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