Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor: June 5, 2024

City plans spark thoughts

Morning Word, May 23: “City of Santa Fe seeks proposals for former Warehouse 21 space in Railyard


Is it just me or is three weeks an unethical amount of time to give citizens to submit RFPs for the use of a centrally-located 17,000 square-foot building?

With only one week’s notice for a one-time tour of the building?

And then ask respondents to be “thinking big”?

The city should just admit if they’ve already given lots of their time and resources to some pre-ordained organization.

How about the city thinking big about their own community and putting the big money where their big mouth is?

Such as leasing at affordable rates for worthwhile community organizations or some other creative supportive ideas.

Please god say it ain’t Meow Wolf. I’ll scratch my eyes out while meow-yowling if they’re the secret shoe-in respondent.

Lisa Pelletier

Santa Fe

News, May 29: “Residents Urge City to Invest in Making Streets Safer


They approved $85,000 for speed humps on Calle Atajo. We [North Jemez Road] have been applying for speed humps along with this street for years. Both of our streets have traffic and speeding, but ours is more narrow. I don’t understand how they can approve one and not the other. The traffic now will be pushed to our street even more because of the traffic mitigation on that street. We need the same traffic mitigation since we have the same exact problem. We were told they can’t approve one without approving the other. They also told us once annexed into the city, our street would definitely qualify. We put in all the paperwork over 15 years but they assign some number index that totally does not represent what is occurring on our street so they can deny us. I don’t understand how we are denied and they are approved? I guess they are waiting for someone to be killed before they take us seriously. I hope they approve the speed humps now since they approved Calle Atajo. They have the same criteria we do.

Brenda Green

Santa Fe

Letters to the Editor

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