New facilities for migrants in Texas
Border Patrol has opened two huge new tent housing sites in Texas to house an "unprecedented" number of migrants that have overwhelmed US governmental facilities. Officials say every migrant at the tent facilities, each of which can hold up to 500 people, will be medically screened and have an opportunity to shower. After migrants were held in an open-air pen under a bridge in downtown El Paso, stoking national ire, the new facilities are hopefully more comfortable and are only a predecessor to more permanent facilities, according to US Customs and Border Protection. Earlier this week, more than 670 migrants, mostly families and unaccompanied kids, were apprehended by CBP in 24 hours in Antelope Wells and El Paso.
Snappin’ snaps
Photographer and educator Sage Paisner, who says he doesn't much care if the work in his gallery sells or not, re-opens his popular Foto Forum Santa Fe gallery and workshops this evening with a party and three-parter show this evening. Paisner offers workshops for both clients who can pay the full price and folks who perhaps struggle to, opening up the medium of photography to everyone, while also presenting subversive and challenging works on the walls of his Paseo de Peralta gallery. That starts at 5 pm this evening.
Careless whispers
Six cases of harassment were filed at the Roundhouse this year under the Legislature's revised anti-harassment policy, indicating heightened sensitivity and awareness around inappropriate workplace conduct. No investigations have yet been opened regarding the claims.
Registration notice errors
If you got an auto registration renewal quoting an outrageously high fee, it's ok. Don't panic. It's an error ($). The New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division says a computer error added extra zeros to some 92,000 renewal notices (so renewals that usually cost $50 did in fact not jump to $500), but that they aren't aware of anyone having overpaid. The department says it will re-issue renewal notices and will work with anyone who does end up overpaying.
Still hunting
The teen who allegedly shot his mother's boyfriend earlier this week, 16-year-old Hunter Woods, is now a suspect in two more shootings ($) on the Southside and is still at large. Police cannot corroborate claims that Woods came to his mother's aid when he shot her boyfriend (the Albuquerque Journal calls him Woods' stepfather), but they say they want to hear Woods' side of the story and urge him to turn himself in.
Two minutes to midnight
This weekend's long read courtesy SFR comes via Alex De Vore, who takes a dive into our local metal scene. As in, music. Even if you're not into bone-chattering low bass and demonic screamy vocals, the piece offers a look at a community of musicians and venues who really love what they do, who value the freedom inherent in the genre, and who support each other unconditionally. Plus we have a list of a bunch of metal shows though July, so if you do like metal, you're in luck.
Flower power
What's up this weekend? A lot is going on, and the Word urges you to check out the opening of Alexander Girard: A Designer's Universe at the Museum of International Folk Art from 1-4 pm on Sunday. Read about the exhibition ($) in Pasatiempo today. In short, office-dwellers probably have no idea how much they owe to Girard for the idea of a cheery workplace, and many of the mod designs we still love today (conversation pits, anyone?) were popularized by the innovative designer, who called Santa Fe one of his homes. Not into mod? Our calendar has plenty more for you to do.
What’s the weather, Word?
It should be sunny, warm 'n' dry across most of the state this weekend, but still stormy in eastern New Mexico. Those areas are also a little foggy this morning, which is weird, but kinda cool. Have a nice weekend, do fun stuff, or try to enjoy work if that's what you gotta do. We're rooting for you.
Thanks for reading! The Word thinks beeswax candles are pretty nice.