Millions for Governor Candidates

Leading fundraisers have $1.4 M each for getting a message to voters

Big money 

Candidates for governor are demonstrating this year's election cycle will be an economic driver on its own. Michelle Lujan Grisham, running in the Democratic primary in June, and Steve Pearce, a Republican who will only compete on the November ballot, have both reported $1.4 million in incoming cash during the last six months. Curious who is paying whom? Do your own poking around on the secretary of state's web database.

Big idea

So maybe now is as good a time as any to remind readers about a conference later this month in Santa Fe put on by a group aiming to push money out of politics. Founder Bruce Berlin says the mission is to bring together those "who are adversely affected by Big Money's corruption of the political process. Right now, there is no such coordination."

Be careful

Drought conditions have prompted Santa Fe County officials to contemplate an early ban on open burning and to impose other fire restrictions ($) for the next 90 days.  The northern half of the county is in worse shape than the southern half, says the county fire marshal. Bernalillo County is set to vote on a similar measure tonight ($).

Getting in the middle

A charter school in Santa Fe is planning to expand ($) to serve middle schoolers at a new location even as it fights with public school district officials to hold on to a building it leases for elementary students. Turquoise Trail Charter School's middle school will focus on media arts for seventh and eighth grade, and students will attend class on the campus of the nearby Santa Fe Studios.

The wall 

A construction project to replace a section of the border structure between the United States and Mexico will include about $73 million worth of work in New Mexico near the Texas border. Officials say they are replacing vehicle barriers with a bollard wall.

Having a session 

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions is due in Texas next week to meet with sheriffs in border states. He’s advocating for increasing immigration prosecution, especially against first-time offenders. Into service

And who hasn't had enough about the border? Gov. Susana Martinez now says about 80 New Mexico National Guard members have been deployed, a number that will grow to about 250—all in support of a presidential plan to use the military to fight immigration. Other border states, except California, have agreed ($) with the plan.

Play Ball 

Tonight is the home opener for the Albuquerque Isotopes. Check out this season preview from The Daily Lobo. The first 3,000 fans at the park get a beanie. Baseball and merch go together like US and A.

Thanks for reading! The Word is having deep internal processing about the complexity of Chick-fil-A preparing to open on Cerrillos Road.   

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