3rd Congressional District candidates face off
For the June 3 New Mexico primary elections, SFR will call up candidates in the CONTESTED races to test their knowledge. The rules for Pop Quiz are as follows: No research allowed and if they call back later with the right answer, too bad. To see who answered correctly (or came closest), check out our answer key below.
1. Name the committees you would like to sit on and why.
2. What is the first piece of legislation you would introduce?
3. Who currently sits to the left and right of US Rep. Tom Udall, D-NM, on the House floor?
4. What federal agency in CD 3 received the most in contracts in Fiscal Year 2006?
5. Would you commit to an interview with Stephen Colbert for The Colbert Report's 'Better Know a District' segment?
6. How would your policy on the Iraq war change if President Bush initiates war with Iran by the end of his term?
7. What is in-situ leach mining?
8. What was your best class in high school?
9. What role do you see Independents playing in the general, considering that Carol Miller served as a spoiler during the 1998 special election?
10. Can you name one proposal from Rep. Tom Udall you strongly agreed with and one you strongly disagreed with?
Jon Adams, 33, lawyer
1. I would have to say House Resources Committee, definitely, because that's such an important issue right now and, additionally, Veterans' Affairs to make sure we take care of our veterans. It would be nice to be on Judiciary as well, so that I can help formulate the laws that are going to be passed.
2. A bill to increase research and tax breaks for alternative energy, take away tax breaks for oil and gas companies and launch an independent investigation into oil and gas companies.
3. Actually, I don't know. I don't know if they have people organized by state. If they do, I would guess Heather Wilson or Steve Pearce, but I just don't have any idea.
4. I would imagine that it's Los Alamos National Laboratory.
5. Sure! Everyone is entitled to seek information and the more information the better.
6. I think initiating war with Iran would be enormously unwise and my position on the Iraq war is the same: It should be ended.
7. I haven't heard of that so I would have to check it.
8. Math. I was always very good at math. I don't know how that led to me becoming assistant attorney general and being a lawyer and going into politics, but it did.
9. Well, I think that the Carol Miller ship has sailed and most people know that she's in the race to take a lot of votes from Democrats. Carol Miller only runs for office when there's a chance that she will be able to hand it to the Republicans. I think that's something that everybody realizes and whether she endorsed Heather Wilson recently and whether Carol Miller calls herself a Green or an Independent, I think everybody's onto her game. So, I think the independent-minded voters will go with the Democratic nominee rather than following Carol Miller down her often-shifting path.
10. Well, there aren't any that I disagree with. I think he's done an exemplary, outstanding job. One I particularly agree with is his bill to give federally protected status to the Valles Grande Caldera and that area. I think that's very important. Bill Redmond wanted to mine that for pumice 10 years ago because of the stone-washed jeans fad. So, I would definitely have to go with that one.
Ben Ray Lujan, 35, Public Regulation Commissioner
1. Two committees. One would be Veterans' Affairs. New Mexico has over 200,000 veterans. Congressman Udall has served Veterans' Affairs with dignity and with honor and representing the veterans of the state of New Mexico. It would be an honor to represent them, to be able to address the important issues, especially getting them the health care and benefits they've earned and deserve. The other committees would be Energy and Commerce, to be able to hit the ground running and be a part of the debate that's going to move a strong national energy policy forward, develop renewable energy, stimulate the economy and get us back on track.
2. I would move forward a piece of legislation to advance strong energy policy, to increase national RPS [Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards], further extend solar tax credits and to stimulate the economy.
3. I don't know the answer to that one.
4. Department of Defense or Department of Energy.
5. Yes, because I think it would be great to be able to just have an interview with him. It would be so entertaining to be able to answer those questions.
6. We need to end the war in Iraq and begin to bring our troops home immediately. We need to hold President Bush's policies accountable and it's going to take a strong Democratic president to lead this nation to make sure that we engage in bringing the world together and repairing our relationships. Congress needs to make sure that the president does not move forward with invading another nation the way that he did before.
7. I'm not sure, but I would say uranium mining.
8. Math, anything that had to do with math, whether it was algebra or geometry. Math.
9. This election has to be about the issues facing our nation and it has to be about who's going to be in the best position to be able to stand up for the people of the state of New Mexico. I think the general election will show the broad support that a candidate can have based on their values and their positions on policies facing the country.
10. I agreed with Congressman Udall on his strong approach to a national energy policy. Hmm. One that I don't agree with Tom Udall on...I can't think of one offhand that I disagree with.
Rudy Martin, 56, lawyer
1. I would like to be on the Veterans', Appropriations, and Foreign Relations committees. Veterans' committee because I believe that veterans are lacking grossly a lot of benefits they're entitled to. I'd like to be a strong advocate for veterans. I'm the only veteran candidate running. Appropriations because I believe New Mexico's kind of been left out, always been left out, actually, and I'd like to be instrumental in being able to bring in more funding to New Mexico and the different projects we need up here. Foreign Relations, I think we need to get some people who are interested in some good foreign policy, not necessarily someone who likes to rattle sabers. I think we need to do a lot of repair to the damage that's been done by the Bush administration, especially in the Middle East and in Latin America.
2. I think the first piece of legislation I'd like to introduce would be to have similar to what Bill Richardson proposed with the Hero Card, where veterans would be able to get any kind of health care for veterans and their families at the health-care facility closest to their place of residence. And the Veterans Administration would pick up the tab.
3. I don't know.
4. God, I really don't know.
5. Absolutely. I mean, Steve Colbert, I don't find him offensive or partisan. I'd even sit in an interview with Bill O'Reilly and Lou Dobbs. Bill O'Reilly would probably think I'm a terrorist because of the color of my skin, but so be it.
6. I think that if he did that, he should be impeached immediately, and hopefully prosecuted criminally. But my position on the war in Iraq wouldn't change. I've always opposed it, I think we should be out of there. We should've never gotten in there.
7. You know what? I don't know. I've heard about it but I don't know.
8. God, that's 100 years ago. Let me go back in time. God, that's a long time ago. Probably English.
9. Well I see the Independents being a very strong factor because it'll send a strong message to both Democrats and Republicans that people are disgruntled with typical politics as usual. I think when I see Carol Miller, she's very well educated, very sharp and intelligent and capable. I see a big loss to the Democratic Party when she left. And there are a lot of Independents out there that are disgruntled both with the Republican and Democratic party. They're just playing too much partisan politics and not taking care of business.
10. The one I strongly disagree with is the funding issue with Los Alamos National labs. Tom did a lot of good work, there's nothing that stands out. But again I haven't been very supportive of Tom Udall just because I see too much poverty in northern New Mexico. I ask, where was he for all these small communities, you know?
Harry Montoya, 48, CEO of Hands Across Cultures and
Santa Fe County commissioner
1. Veterans', because I believe that is a critical committee. It's certainly something that, as I've been traveling around the district, a lot of concerns have come up in terms of the inability to access health care, mental-health care and the need for us to address those issues. A number of Iraqi vets returning now are returning to homelessness, poverty-it really is a tragic situation, given the fact that these individuals have put their lives on the line for us. Appropriations, but, of course, that probably won't happen with a freshman congressman. Those are the ones who look at the overall budget, big picture, in terms of where we're going to put our spending, where's our emphasis going to be. And you make sure the spending will be equitable across all of the departments. So you're talking about every single department that is out there. Education, I'd like to sit on that committee. Human Services. With my background, in terms of my professional background in the substance-abuse-prevention field and the heath-promotion field, I feel it would lend itself well to that committee. And Education. My experience as a school board member, knowing the operations of a school district would be very helpful for that particular committee as well.
2. It would probably have to be something towards an economic stimulus bill. That bill would help in terms of home foreclosures, it'd help homeowners who need the help. There's the moral hazard, which is the individual who's made the bad decision and bad investment. I'm not necessarily talking about that type. There are individuals who have invested and are now suffering as the result of the recession. Let's face it, we're in a recession. An economic stimulus bill would help those people do those home foreclosures and help people get on their feet again in terms of re-employment. The Workforce Investment Act is critical in terms of a stimulus bill. It's real important that Congress decided to raid into that bill to give all the rebates that you and I just received. I don't believe you take money from workforce programs to give as a rebate. I'd rather it came from the Iraqi war budget to give back to the people. That would've made more sense.
3. Gosh, I have no idea.
4. I would probably have to say the Department of Energy.
5. Sure. Absolutely. I think Steve Colbert educates people in a very uncanny manner.
6. Oh gosh, all it would do is create double trouble, is what that'd be. Instead of it going out to one source, we'd be going to two sources. I'd have to refocus on two wars instead of one. I'd be opposed to it like I am the Iraq war.
7. No I can't. What is it?
8. Probably English.
9. I think that as the Democratic nominee, I'd say that her role in this election will probably not be as significant as it was in the previous election she ran in.
10. The PATRIOT Act, his vote on that, I totally agreed with that. I would've voted against it also. The cuts for lab funding, I probably would not have voted for that.
Benny Shendo Jr., 43, former secretary of the NM Indian Affairs Department
1. Natural Resources and House Appropriations would be two committees that I would be willing to sit on, but as a junior representative, we probably don't have that option. Natural Resources because I believe protection of our environment and our natural resources is very important and we have to protect that for our future. Appropriations, of course, for funding.
2. The first piece of legislation that I would do is to increase our renewable energy. We have to make the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy and we have to start that now. I think the global climate crisis is real and we have to begin to invest in renewable and new technologies for the future of our generation and our children's generation.
3. I guess what's more important is who is also supporting the same initiatives that Udall has been very effective in supporting for northern New Mexico as it relates to our environment, to renewables and to those things that are important in New Mexico. That's more important than who sits to the left or right of him.
4. I would expect the Department of Energy. Or the Navajo Nation for that matter. They also receive huge appropriations.
5. I wouldn't see a reason why not. If it's an interview for 'Better Know a District,' I don't see why it shouldn't be something I would do. If it speaks about knowing our district, how important it is for us to represent all of us within that district, if that is what it's about.
6. Well my policy with Iraq is bringing an end to the war, which is costing $720 million a day. If we go to war with Iran? I don't know how we can go do that when we have all of our resources and our soldiers tied up in our current war. I would oppose it.
7. In-situ leach mining is a technology that's used to mine uranium. I'm not sure exactly the chemicals that they use, but certainly they use chemicals to loosen up the uranium.
8. Algebra II. But all classes were important, but that was my best one.
9. It depends on who ends up being the Democratic nominee. I believe there's a potential that she could still serve as a spoiler in this general election.
10. The water assistance for northern New Mexico, those are bills I strongly agree with. I don't necessarily, on legislation, strongly disagree with Tom, because of what Tom stands for in terms of his philosophy and what's important in New Mexico. Nothing comes to mind.
Don Wiviott, 52, builder/businessman
1. I'd like to sit on the Energy subcommittee, Veterans' Affairs and anything that has do with building or trade, commerce or industry. Essentially, I would be the only congressman there who has ever built energy-efficient or water-efficient housing and I want to make that easier both for new buildings and for retrofits. Also, I grew up in the military and we have 200,000 veterans and also there are very few small-business people in Congress.
2. I would introduce an amendment to the GI Bill to provide for small-business loans for veterans.
3. I have no idea.
4. Department of Energy.
5. He went to my college [Dartmouth]! Absolutely, yes.
6. It wouldn't. We still need to get out and if he initiates war with Iran, we need to initiate impeachment.
7. It's uranium mining.
8. Current affairs.
9. I share many of the same views that Carol Miller does and I would hope that people would vote for me instead.
10. The proposal that I strongly agreed with was, well two of them: Obviously, his stand on the war in Iraq and the PATRIOT Act. One that I have disagreed with is, and it's not really his fault, but he was placed between a rock and a hard spot with labs' funding versus sustainable energy development, and he had a hard time on that one. He was placed in a no-win situation.
Dan East, 50, president and owner of Cone Construction
1. One would be Agriculture, Science and Technology, or Transportation and Infrastructure. We'll go in reverse. I think all three are important to this state. Transportation and Infrastructure would be my first choice because I believe we need to start reinvesting back in America. And our infrastructure is one avenue that's made our country great and what it is today. We need to start funding our clean water. Science and Technology, again because of our labs and what we produce there, I think I can bring value back to that. Same thing with Agriculture.
First piece of legislation I'd introduce would be refunding the SRF, the State Revolving Fund, and getting the funding back up to fund our clean water in our state and throughout the nation.
3. To the left and right-no I can't.
4. 2006? I would think it would be DOE.
5. You bet. Get to know your district-I'd love to promote New Mexico and promote what our district has to offer. I think our district has a lot to offer and America doesn't know it yet.
6. God, I would hope not. My position probably wouldn't change. I do believe we need to start having a withdrawal out of Iraq, but this is where I guess I fall into the extreme right: I believe we are at war with an Islamic terrorist group, and our men and women might not be coming home, they might be going to other parts of the country to keep the fight on their shores and not on our shores.
7. In-situ leach mining? I believe that's going to be methane mining.
8. Man, you're going back some years. I'm going to have to say.... Hell, I can't remember.
9. I honestly believe that people in New Mexico are ready for change and they're ready for something different. I believe Carol Miller's probably going to be the one who's there. I think she's a viable candidate and people will take a serious look at her. Is she a spoiler? She could be a spoiler and could possibly get elected. I'm looking forward to the general and some very interesting debates. New Mexico's going to have three qualified candidates out there to choose from.
10. I got hit with this question the other day. I disagree with his position on the Appropriations Committee that cut funding to our labs. I strongly disagree with that. And to be honest with you, off the top of my head, nothing comes to mind I'd say I agree with.
Marco Gonzales, 41, lawyer
1. Well, it would probably be Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Indian Affairs Committee, because they are the two most important committees that affect the district.
2. I have told the people in Raton that I would introduce a bill called the TRAC bill, Transition and Realignment After Closure, designed to basically assist rural New Mexico and rural America where one-company towns like we have in many areas in New Mexico, where those companies move out of town and the impact to the community is devastating, that we have a program in place where the Small Business Administration and other appropriate federal agencies come in to help organize communities to redevelop an economic development plan in conjunction with the community.
3. No I can't do that. They don't have the types of session on the House floor that they do on the Senate floor. I mean, most members are never present on the House floor during any portion of the debate and that is because the way that the debate occurs on the House floor is in terms of one-minute speeches. And it's set up by the chairman and the ranking member of whatever bill is on the floor, and then the members come typically at that time to speak. It's not like the Senate where there's more debate and members sit in their seats for a greater period of time. It's almost the same thing in the Senate, but you get more members who attend the debates in the Senate for the most part. You will rarely see a member of the House sitting in their seat, unless it's for a presidential address.
4. It's got to be the Department of Energy.
5. Sure. Of course. I think he's a really funny guy. I enjoy watching his program.
6. Well, I don't believe it's appropriate to engage in those types of hypotheticals because I don't want to appear as a candidate who thinks that the war in Iran is even a possibility. I don't agree that we should be at all considering war with Iran.
7. No, I can't tell you that. I don't know.
8. I would have to say English.
9. I think that Independents are an important voice in the 3rd District, so they play a very important role. They play an equal role just as much as Democrats or Republicans.
10. I strongly agreed with his proposals to fund water projects in northern New Mexico. I strongly disagreed with his vote on cutting funds for Los Alamos National Labs.
ANSWER KEY (for non-opinion questions)
3. Trick question: House floor seating is unassigned.
4. It depends on who is calculating. USASpending.gov, a federal Web site, lists the Department of Energy at the top with $1.62 billion, because Los Alamos National Laboratory is technically contracted out to Los Alamos National Security, LLC. Nonprofit group OMB Watch's database FedSpending.org excludes the $1.56 billion given to LANS, leaving the Indian Health Service as the top CD 3 contract with $60 million worth of contracts.
5. FYI, in March 2007, US Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., the House Democrats' chief election strategist during the 2006 mid-term elections, advised members to avoid The Colbert Report. So far, none of New Mexico's three congressional districts have been featured on the show.
7. Also known as "solution mining," in-situ leach mining is a method by which ores are dissolved in the ground and the solution is then pumped to the surface for extraction. Udall worked with the Navajo Nation and environmental groups to combat its use, specifically in regards to uranium mining.