Daddy Needs a Drink


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Of Truth and Consequence: Finding oneself in T or C Read more

Daddy Needs a Drink

My friend Larry was trying to explain. "It's like I'm Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School," he said, "only without the money." We were sitting around our friends' and former professors' kitchen table, watching dogs and kids and Legos... Read more

Daddy Needs a Drink

“You got a lot of hate mail on that last column.” ---I was standing in a parking lot on St. Michael’s Drive watching my son London step in front of a solar panel the size of an oven door when a stranger approached me. Part of a neighborhoo... Read more

Daddy Needs a Drink

I don't have a Twitter account, never donated to any Kickstarter projects and my flip phone forces me to text like a 13-year-old girl living in 2001. But I believe in social media. ---I have used Facebook to make announcements (yard sales, ... Read more

Daddy Needs a Drink

My friend Nell once told me that Taos was put on this Earth to remind people to slow down. I return to the "soul of the Southwest" each summer to attend a conference, and this remark rings truer than anything I ever learned in Catholic scho... Read more

Daddy Needs a Drink