Mail letters to Letters, Santa Fe Reporter, PO Box 2306, Santa Fe NM 87504, deliver them to 132 E. Marcy St., fax them to 988-5348, e-mail them to or use our online form.
In response to the letter written by Silas Jasper [Letters, March 15:
], I didn't roll my eyes as you predicted we liberals would upon reading your letter. Sadly, not only is your letter predictable, but puts a glaring spotlight on all that is wrong with how the country is being run by people of your ilk.
Because of the sheer lack of individuality people like you possess, the only way you can attempt to bring credence to your annoying baa-ing is by pointing the finger of blame at anyone and anything outside of your pathetic little box mentality. The next time you find it necessary to blame those around you, why not stand in front of a mirror while pointing your finger? Therein is where the problem begins.
If I as a liberal am by your definition shallow, stupid and socially worthless, how do you describe your hero worship of two men responsible for thousands of deaths and the chaos and destruction they've created in the name of democracy? I think the bumper sticker I have on my car is a more apt representation of your heroes: Cheney/Satan 2008.
WB Steers
Santa Fe
In response to Mr. Jasper's letter, I have a better idea for Dick Cheney's and Donald Rumsfeld's futures: Seems to me it's time for them and GW to mine some coal in West Virginia, dodge IED's in Basra, live in a cardboard box in the Ninth Ward of New Orleans, spend a few years in a cage in Guantanamo and then head off to a fancy ranch in Texas to do some hunting.
Bernie Lieving
Santa Fe
It is amazing how low liberals will sink. Sending in a letter under the alias "Silas Jasper" to make Republicans look stupid is an all-time low. Only an idiot would suggest that the sociopath Cheney, with approval ratings (18 percent) LOWER THAN THOSE OF JOSEPH STALIN, could stand a chance of being a viable presidential candidate in 2008.
Dale Lotreck
Santa Fe
I'm confident that the SM Stevens letter [Letters, March 15,
] was written with the best intentions. But its challenge that Kay Matthews "stop reading and start looking around" is so off base it's comical. Yes Matthews reads, but she also spends more time "looking around" rural New Mexico than probably any member of the Forest Guardians. She sees firsthand their destructive legacy.
I think Matthews' underlying message was that not all shades of green are the same. Some environmentalists cultivate a hands-on knowledge of the land, whereas others are little more than radical activists who went shopping for a glamorous cause. Not every "environmentalist" is a hero.
Groups such as the Forest Guardians are terrific at charming their uptown patrons while bullying the rural folks most affected by their controversial agenda. Their biggest achievement has been to make "environmentalist" a dirty word throughout New Mexico. We must not repeat their more-radical-than-thou blunders.
Rather than litigating rural communities off the land, more credible environmentalists are developing constructive partnerships with local farmers and ranchers. Matthews is suggesting we support groups that respect-and work with-our agricultural neighbors. We all share the same goal for a healthy environment.
Gene Peach
Santa Fe
Regarding the cover story [March 8:
] on the Santa Fe Ski Basin: The Forest Service and the Abruzzo Co. are breaking spiritual laws by disfiguring those sacred mountains with ski runs and so forth. The mountain spirits don't want joy riders skiing down their faces. That's why people get injured or even killed skiing the slopes. Imagine, men, if someone shaved your faces and left stripes of beard. Wouldn't you be humiliated? Well, that's how the mountains feel when trees covering their slopes are buzz cut to made ski runs. This is the height of ecological and spiritual insensitivity to the pueblo tribes who consider our local peaks holy. One wouldn't place an amusement park next the Vatican-of course not. So why are ski center disfigurements being inflicted on sacred places of indigenous peoples here and elsewhere? Once again, Indian cultures are fair game for mainstream culture greed and indifference.
John Lorenzen
Santa Fe
The Reporter welcomes original, signed letters to the editor. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. They may be edited for clarity and space. Please include address and phone number for verification purposes; these will not be published.