Sheila Hyde
News, May 22: “Leger Lines”
Rephrase That
Hey folks, she's not "underrated" at all! Let's not confuse "less well known" with "underrated."
Lynn Brice Rosen
via Facebook
She actually has roots here, as opposed to friends in Santa Fe. I will say that Ms. Plame got my attention by coming right out in front last week and condemning the Trumpistas march towards war with Iran. I would like to hear the same (at least) from Ms. Leger.
Claude Hayward
Web Extra, May 23: “It’s F***ing Windy”
Trees Down All Over
Oh dear! I saw a tree split near Old Santa Fe Trail. Crazy out there!
Judy S Eckhart
via Facebook
Never Again
Went out once today and home again! Not going out again until the wind subsides.
Lorraine Loken
via Facebook
Definitely not fake news.
LC Fulton
via Facebook
probably Trump
Gin Maiyut
via Facebook
I see what you did there
This wind really blows.
RJ Ward
via Facebook
Editor's note: Thanks for always being funny on our Facebook page, readers. Keep up the excellent and entertaining work.